Async mailer without any painful setup
Inspired by one of the gem I saw in the last conference: Celluloid, I made the gem Mailluloid (Mail + Celluloid)
In your Gemfile, include the gem
gem 'mailluloid'
How to use:
- Install the gem
- ???
- Profit!
Then use your mailer as normal. Mailluloid will push all mail sending to background thread, and terminate them after done, so no memory leaks. You now have a non-blocking mailer.
This is useful if you wanna run mailer on Heroku but do not want to pay for a worker just to deliver mail. No more Resque mailer, no more Sidekiq painful setup
- All mailers exception are in the child thread, so you can't handle them. (but since you are using a background process for mailer, who care?)
- Only works with ActionMailer