Stealing this from as of version 1.0.52, for multiple reasons.
- its on bitbucket
- it was broken in my application due mainly to some oddities caused by wonky file/class declaration (or lack thereof in the gem), i.e. specifically:
module API
class WhateverController
Was making ::Mandrill::API or Mandrill::API or whatever, point to the API module, then break. Short version, didnt have ton of time to dig into it, but when I cloned source of mandrill gem off bitbucket I wasn't suprised it was breaking.
So I broke everything into separate files, added some scope resolution operators for safety and speed, and thats the extent of it so far.
I may end up refactoring to make it more resourceful, which is why I elected to release it under a separate gem name, that and the majority of devs will appreciate it being on github, and being able to dig through the source on GH, and it works for now.
require 'mandrill'
or using bundler:
gem 'mandrill-rb'