the awesome ruby container you've always wanted: a string/symbol indifferent ordered hash that works in all rubies.
maps are bitchin ordered hashes that are both ordered, string/symbol indifferent, and have all sorts of sweetness like recursive conversion, more robust, not to mention dependency-less, implementation than HashWithIndifferentAccess.
bestiest of all, maps support some very powerful tree-like iterators that make working with structured data, like json, insanely simple.
map.rb has been in production usage for 14 years and is commensurately hardened. if you process json, you will love map.rb
gem install map
maps are always ordered. constructing them in an ordered fashion builds them that way, although the normal hash contructor is also supported
m = Map[:k, :v, :key, :val]
m = Map(:k, :v, :key, :val)
m =, :v, :key, :val)
m = Map[[:k, :v], [:key, :val]]
m = Map(:k => :v, :key => :val) # ruh-oh, the input hash loses order!
m = => :v, :key => :val) # ruh-oh, the input hash loses order!
m =
m[:a] = 0
m[:b] = 1
m[:c] = 2
p m.keys #=> ['a','b','c'] ### always ordered!
p m.values #=> [0,1,2] ### always ordered!
maps don't care about symbol vs.string keys
p m[:a] #=> 0
p m["a"] #=> 0
even via deep nesting
p m[:foo]['bar'][:baz] #=> 42
many functions operate in a way one would expect from an ordered container
m.update(:k2 => :v2)
m.update(:k2, :v2)
key_val_pair = m.shift
key_val_pair = m.pop
maps keep mapiness for even deep operations
m.update :nested => {:hashes => {:are => :converted}}
maps can give back clever little struct objects
m = Map(:foo => {:bar => 42})
s = m.struct
p #=> 42
because option parsing is such a common use case for needing string/symbol indifference map.rb comes out of the box loaded with option support
def foo(*args, &block)
opts = Map.options(args)
a = opts.getopt(:a)
b = opts.getopt(:b, :default => false)
opts = Map.options(:a => 42, :b => nil, :c => false)
opts.getopt(:a) #=> 42
opts.getopt(:b) #=> nil
opts.getopt(:b, :default => 42) #=> 42
opts.getopt(:c) #=> false
opts.getopt(:d, :default => false) #=> false
this avoids such bugs as
options = {:read_only => false}
read_only = options[:read_only] || true # should be false but is true
with options this becomes
options = Map.options(:read_only => true)
read_only = options.getopt(:read_only, :default => false) #=> true
maps support some really nice operators that hashes/orderedhashes do not
m =
m.set(:h, :a, 0, 42)
m.has?(:h, :a) #=> true
p m #=> {'h' => {'a' => [42]}}
m.set(:h, :a, 1, 42.0)
p m #=> {'h' => {'a' => [42, 42.0]}}
m.get(:h, :a, 1) #=> 42.0
m.get(:x, :y, :z) #=> nil
m[:x][:y][:z] #=> raises exception!
m = => [0,1])
defaults = {:array => [nil, nil, 2]}
p m[:array] #=> [0,1,2]
they also support some powerful tree-ish iteration styles
m =
[:a, :b, :c, 0] => 0,
[:a, :b, :c, 1] => 10,
[:a, :b, :c, 2] => 20,
[:a, :b, :c, 3] => 30
m.set(:x, :y, 42)
m.set(:x, :z, 42.0)
m.depth_first_each do |key, val|
p key => val
#=> [:a, :b, :c, 0] => 0
#=> [:a, :b, :c, 1] => 10
#=> [:a, :b, :c, 2] => 20
#=> [:a, :b, :c, 3] => 30
#=> [:x, :y] => 42
#=> [:x, :z] => 42.0