A Ruby interface to the Mapbox API.
This gem is under development, use with precautions
gem install mapbox-ruby
or in Bundler:
gem 'mapbox-ruby'
In order to use this gem you need a valid access_token from Mapbox and how Mapbox works.
html = Mapbox::Html.new(access_token: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', mapid: Mapbox::ID_STREETS)
html.get # return a valid html page with the map
img = Mapbox::Image.new(access_token: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', mapid: Mapbox::ID_STREETS,
lat: 42, lon: 8, zoom: 5, width: 500, height: 300)
img.get # return a ruby Tempfile
With Mapbox::Image you can use Overlays (GeoJSON not supported yet from mapbox-ruby)
img.overlays << Mapbox::Overlay::Marker.add(
lat: 42,
lon: 8,
size: 'm',
label: 'beer',
color: '0000FF'
img.overlays << Mapbox::Overlay::Path.add(
size: '5',
polyline: 'xxxxxx'
Read more about Polyline
# Forward geocode
mg = Mapbox::Geocode.new(access_token: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', query: '1 ocean drive miami beach' )
mg.get # return ruby Hash with mapbox body response
# Reverse geocode
mg = Mapbox::Geocode.new(access_token: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
lat: '25.768924',
lon: '-80.13245')
mg.get # return ruby Hash with mapbox body response