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A ruby gem to document code (Check github repo for specifications).


~> 1.10
>= 0
~> 10.0
>= 0
>= 0


>= 0
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# Martha Gem that documents code/software for a better organization and understanding of it by developers.

Ruby gems homepage (gem documentation):

Table of contents

  • Installation
  • Usage
  • What it actually does?
  • Before and After Martha
  • Warning
  • Contributing
  • Credits



  • Windows Users: Install ruby environment, we recommend RubyInstaller and then install Development Kit and with that you can use Ruby's gems.

  • Install gems pry and nokigiri:

% gem install pry
% gem install nokogiri


  • To install the gem you can just run the following command in the folder you will be working (If you install it in your terminal root it won't work):
% gem install martha

What it actually does?

Martha checks your entire file and recognizes the number of functions in it. She will tell you the amount of method(s)/fuction(s) she found and ask you to fill three fields of information for each method(s)/function(s). Then, she will overwrite your file with the comments for each method(s)/function(s) respectively.

Programming Languages Supported:

  • Ruby
  • C++
  • More languages will be supported soon.


You only need to use the martha command reveal:

% martha reveal <FILE_NAME>

She will detect all the undocumented method(s)/function(s) and will ask you to fill the information of Input Description, Output Description and Method Description for each method(s)/function(s).

The rest is obtained automatically by Martha herself, she will tell you that she finished documenting your code and your file will be overwritten with the comments of each methos(s)/function(s) respectively.

And your code is documented. Easy.

  • Example
% martha reveal main.cpp
Hello I'm Martha!

With whom I have the pleasure?

Your Name: Victor Elizalde
  • Write your name in "Your Name:" , because she needs to know the author for the following documented method(s)/function(s) and will put it at the end of each comment. This is done because if someone documents a method/function badly, the author will be written in there.
I found 3 undocumented method(s)/function(s)

For the following method/function:

         int Puntaje(string strPalabras, int sum)

Input Description (What does it receives?)

     Your Answer: String with the key word from the matrix and the sum of prime numbers.
Output Description (What does it returns?)

     Your Answer: The number of letters in a sentence.
Description (What does the method does?)

       Your Answer: It finds out the missing letter from the alphabet and returns it.
  • Be very descriptive in your comments. Don't just write what type of variable you receive and return, write what information the variable has.
  • This inteface will repeat for the 3 method(s)/function(s).
Finished documenting method(s)/function(s)
  • When all method(s)/function(s) are documented, Martha will let you know she finished and now your code is documented. Easy.

##Before and After Martha

  • Before
#include <iostream>
using namespacestd;

struct Coor{
  int x;
  int y;

int Sum(int a, int b)
  return a + b;

Coor Position(int a, int b)
  Coor s;
  s.x = a;
  s.y = b;
  return s;
  • After
#include <iostream>
using namespacestd;

struct Coor{
  int x;
  int y;

Title: Sum
Input: int a, int b
Input Description: 2 numbers that will be added
Output: int
Output Description: The sum of the 2 numbers received
Description: It sums 2 numbers 'a' and 'b'
Author: Victor Elizalde
int Sum(int a, int b) //function
  return a + b;

Title: Position
Input: int a, int b
Input Description: coordinate 'x' and 'y'
Output: Coor
Output Description: object with coordinates assigned
Description: it receives coordinates and assigns them to an object Coor
Author: Victor Elizalde
Coor Position(int a, int b) //function
  Coor s;
  s.x = a;
  s.y = b;
  return s;


  • The gem recognizes when a function was commented with the special characters "//Function"(for cpp) and "#method"(for ruby) next to the headers. If you delete this, the function will write a new comment under of the old comment. So please keep that flag to avoid multiple comments for one method/function.


Everyone is free to collaborate and submit pull request if needed. You can add support for new programming languages.

##Author and Contributor List

  • Victor Hugo Elizalde Muñoz
  • Oscar Michel Herrera
  • Mauricio Iván Cortés García