Massive Scrobbler¶ ↑
Hack your LastFM account with hundreds of scrobblings in just few minutes :)¶ ↑
Requirements¶ ↑
a LastFM account
Installation¶ ↑
gem install massive-scrobbler
Usage¶ ↑
Just type in a shell
The script scans your current folder searching for audio files, and submits them to your LastFM account at high speed (tipically ~0,5 seconds).
To manually choose the delay between each submission:
massive-scrobbler -d [number]
To simulate a realtime listening:
massive-scrobbler -d real
For other options and help:
massive-scrobbler --help
ToDo:¶ ↑
more features
upgrade to Scrobbler-ng # lastfm API 2.0