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Configurable interface to Melissa Data Address and GeoPoint objects
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Configurable interface to Melissa Data Address and GeoCoder objects


Melissa Gem allows you to use ruby wrappers for Melissa Data's AddrObj and GeoPoint objects or use the mock objects depending on configuration.

Address Object’s functionality is divided into four interfaces, AddressCheck, Parse, StreetData, and Data. We are using AddressCheck Interface.

The AddressCheck Interface verifies and standardizes your address data using the most current data from the U. S. Postal Service®. The programming logic used by AddressCheck is CASS Certified™. This stringent certification ensures the quality of the data that is passed through the AddressCheck Interface and must be renewed every year.

The GeoCoder Object enables you to access geographic data using your ZIP Code™ and optional Plus4. You will be able to obtain latitude and longitude geographic coordinates, census tract and block numbers, as well as county name and FIPS numbers.

The Standard version of GeoCoder Object includes GeoPoints 11-digit (ZIP + 4 + 2) doorstop geolocation data on over 121,827,000 addresses in the United States. GeoPoints data is multi-sourced, including interpolated points mathematically calculated for valid addresses where no GeoPoints data is found, and covers 95 percent of all U.S. delivery addresses, business and residential.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'melissa'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install melissa


It is recommended to read the following config options from environment variables From Melissa Data documentation: The license string should be entered as an environment variable named MD_LICENSE. This allows you to update your license string without editing and recompiling your code

     self.config_path = ENV['MELISSA_CONFIG_PATH'] if ENV['MELISSA_CONFIG_PATH']
     self.home        = ENV['MELISSA_HOME'] if ENV['MELISSA_HOME']
     @data_path       = ENV['MELISSA_DATA_PATH'] if ENV['MELISSA_DATA_PATH']
     @addr_obj_lib    = ENV['MELISSA_ADDR_OBJ_LIB'] if ENV['MELISSA_ADDR_OBJ_LIB']
     @geo_point_lib   = ENV['MELISSA_GEO_POINT_LIB'] if ENV['MELISSA_GEO_POINT_LIB']
     @license         = ENV['MD_LICENSE'] if ENV['MD_LICENSE']

It is also possible to set HOME and LICENSE variables in configuration file, which can be accesses

     Melissa.configure do |config|
       config.config_path = "/etc/config/melissa"

A suite number can be passed at the end of the values passed to :address option, or as the parameter of either the :address2 or the :suite option. If the value passed to the :address option cannot be verified, Address Object will attempt to verify the value passed via the :address2 option. See Address Handling in Melissa Data Documentation for more information. If you use :zip option, :city and :state parameters are optional. Likewise, if :city and :state are populated, :zip is optional. If possible, it is the best practice to pass all three values if possible, because Address Object will use the values to validate each other.

#create AddrObj
 valid_addr_obj = ::Melissa.addr_obj(
            address: '9802 Brompton Dr',
            city: 'Tampa',
            state: 'Fl',
            zip: '33626'
 #delivery_point will return ZIP+4+DeliveryPoint for USPS addresses
 deliverypoint = valid_addr_obj.delivery_point
 #Address Key is new attribute, added by Melissa data, it will return the value we calculate
 #in delivery_point attribute for USPS addresses and rooftop level information for non-USPS addresses.   
 address_key = valid_addr_obj.address_key

 #create GeoPoint Object
 geo_point_obj = ::Melissa.geo_point(valid_addr_obj)
 #use it
 latitude = geo_point_obj.latitude
 longitude= geo_point_obj.longitude
 geo_point_obj = ::Melissa.geo_point(:zip => 'zip', :plus4 => 'plus4', :delivery_point_code => 'delivery_point_code')

The calls to Melissa Data library will be attempted only if melissa gem config mode is set to live, and Melissa Data library is loaded. This is the default mode for the gem.

Melissa.config.mode = :live

Otherwise mock objects can be used. This way there is no need to install Melissa Data library on development machine. The following rules are used in mocking AddrObj Library:

  1. if zip_code is present, addres object is valid.
  2. to mock delivery point: "#{zip_code}1234#{last 2 digits of zip code}". For example, zip_code = 33613 => delivery_point = 33613123413
  3. address_key will be mocked the same way as delivery point

Mocked GeoPoint object will return following values:

        @latitude = 27.850397
        @longitude = -82.659555
        @time_zone_code = '05'
        @resultcodes = ['GS05']
        @is_valid = true

To use melissa gem from rails application, see railtie.rb, and create melissa.yml in the application, based on the example below:

default:  &defaults
 config_path: /etc/melissa
 mode:        live

  <<:       *defaults

  <<:       *defaults

  <<:       *defaults

By using this set up the attempt to call Melissa data library will be made in production, release and hotfix environments, and mock objects will be used in test and development.



  1. Brad Pardee
  2. Svetlana Marinskaya


  1. ybur-yug


Configuration pattern is developed based on Brandon Hilkert blog


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