Memoh - SSH Connections
If you're tired of remembering IPs, hostnames, passwords, and identity files for your SSH connections, then you'll probably find Memoh useful.
Memoh is a lightweight tool that allows you to save configurations for each of your SSH connections. It's similar to Termius but runs in your terminal as a cli instead of a separate application.
- If you want to install it using bundler directly, then use:
gem install memoh
- Brew will be available shortly
- List all commands:
# memoh connect # Connect to host using SSH by memo name. Example: memoh connect my_server
# memoh create # Create a new SSH memo
# memoh delete # Delete a memo by name
# memoh details # Display all the details of a memo by name
# memoh health # Checks the health of each SSH memo
# memoh help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
# memoh list # List all SSH memos
# memoh update # Update a memo by name
# memoh version # Display Memoh version
- List all saved configurations:
memoh list
# Will print:
# Name: connection_name_1, Host: ip_1
# Name: connection_name_2, Host: ip_2
- Connect to one of them:
memoh connect connection_name_1
- Add a new configuration:
memoh create
# -> Enter the IP address or hostname:
# -> Enter the username:
# -> Enter the path to the SSH key used for this host: (could be a path to an identity file eg: ~/Desktop/Credentials/my_key.pem, or a generic SSH key that is registered in your host, eg: ~/.ssh/id_rsa)
# -> Choose a name for your SSH memo (you'll use this name to connect to your host):
# -> Choose a color for your SSH memo:
- You can also update the configuration of an existing memo
memoh update connection_name_1
# Will be prompted for the same questions as in the create command
- Delete a configuration:
memoh delete connection_name_1
- See all details for a specific configuration:
memoh details connection_name_1