Creates a format 1 (multitrack) MIDI file with one track, defaulting to 120 BPM. The generated MIDI file will contain 8 notes in the C major scale, starting at middle C. Pro Tools and Ableton Live will not import a MIDI file unless it contains at least one note.
About Middle C
In Pro Tools and Ableton Live, middle C is known as C3. See a discussion about middle C, and this article.
Set up Ruby (here is how), then type the following at a shell prompt:
$ gem install midi_create
If you are running rbenv
(and you should, according to the instructions mentioned above), type:
$ rbenv rehash
Help Message
$ midi_create -h
midi_create: Creates a MIDI file containing an 8-note scale in the key of C,
starting at middle C (C3 in Pro Tools and Ableton Live).
Syntax: midi_create [Options] PATH_TO_MIDI_FILE
-b 120 Specify beats per minute (BPM); default is 120 bpm.
Only integers can be used; a decimal point will cause an error.
-f Overwrite the output file if present
-t NAME Use this title for the track
-h Show this help message
Sample Usage
Create a MIDI type 1 file called filename.mid
with one track in the current directory, without a title.
Fail if the file already exists.
Include an 8-note scale in the key of C starting at middle C (C3).
$ midi_create filename.mid
Like the previous example, but overwrite filename.mid
if it already exists.
$ midi_create -f filename.mid
Like the previous example, plus include the title Test MIDI clip
for the track.
Ableton Live and Pro Tools ignore the MIDI track title, but Guitar Pro uses it.
$ midi_create -ft 'Test MIDI clip' filename.mid
Like the previous example, plus set BPM to 150. BPM can only be specified as an integer; using a decimal point will cause an error.
$ midi_create -b 150 -ft 'Test MIDI clip' filename.mid
After checking out this git repository, install dependencies by typing:
$ bin/setup
You should do the above before running Visual Studio Code.
Run the Tests
$ bundle exec rake test
Interactive Session
The following will allow you to experiment:
$ bin/console
Local Installation
To install this gem onto your local machine, type:
$ bundle exec rake install
To Release A New Version
To create a git tag for the new version, push git commits and tags, and push the new version of the gem to, type:
$ bundle exec rake release
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.