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Mina plugin to streamline deployment of resources to Kubernetes cluster


~> 1.11
>= 12.3.3


 Project Readme


mina-kubernetes is a plugin for the mina deployment tool to streamline deployment of resources to Kubernetes clusters, using the krane gem with the mina-multistage plugin.

It requires local Docker and kubectl with local authentication set up to connect to the destination Kubernetes cluster as context in your local KUBE_CONFIG. See https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/cluster-access-for-kubectl#generate_kubeconfig_entry for example with Google Kubernetes Engine.

NB: docker manifest inspect is used to check whether the Docker image with requested tag is available. At the time of writing this is still an experimental feature that needs to be enabled in your local Docker config by adding "experimental": "enabled" to ~/.docker/config.json. If the image to deploy is in a private repository authentication will have to be set up for your local Docker, for instance see https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/advanced-authentication#gcloud_as_a_docker_credential_helper for images hosted on the Google Cloud Registry.


Add mina-kubernetes to your local Gemfile.

Create a configuration file for mina in config/deploy.rb similar to the one below (which replaces the default deploy task):

require "mina/default"
require "mina/multistage"
require "mina/kubernetes"

task :deploy do
  invoke :"kubernetes:deploy"

Add the following variables to your stage configuration i.e. config/deploy/production.rb:

set :namespace, "my_app"
set :image_repo, "gcr.io/project-id/myapp"
set :kubernetes_context, "kubernetes_context_name"

If set :image_tag, "my_image_tag" is also defined, it'll be used to deploy the image tagged with this tag on the repository. Otherwise you'll be prompted to pick a branch from the current Git repository and the image to deploy will be assumed to be tagged with the commit hash of that branch, i.e. gcr.io/project-id/myapp:abcd1234.

Then add *.yml.erb Kubernetes resource definition files in the stage folder, for instance config/deploy/production/webserver.yml.erb and config/deploy/production/backgroundjobs.yml.erb. Occurences of <%= image_repo %> and <%= current_sha %> in these files will be dynamically replaced on deploy by the image repository URL and the latest commit hash of the selected branch on its git origin.

When running mina production deploy, it'll check the image is available on the repository and then call the krane executable to fill in the variables in the resource templates and apply them all to the cluster under the given namespace (see https://github.com/Shopify/krane#deploy-walkthrough for more details)

EJSON Encrypted secrets

Krane can dynamically generate Kubernetes secrets from an encrypted EJSON file, see: https://github.com/Shopify/krane#deploying-kubernetes-secrets-from-ejson. As per current Krane documentation "The ejson file must be included in the resources passed to --filenames, it can not be read through stdin.", so following convention-over-configuration principles mina-kubernetes checks for the presence of a file named secrets.ejson in the stage folder and uses it if available.

Passing custom options to krane

  invoke :"kubernetes:deploy", "--no-prune"

Refer to https://github.com/Shopify/krane#usage for a complete set of options

Tasks available


Creates the namespace on cluster if it doesn't exist, prompts for a git branch if no image tag is already specified in stage file, then applies all resources to cluster after checking tagged image is available.


Prompts for branch unless image tag is set, then spins up a temporary pod with the image and opens up a remote bash terminal.


Prompts for branch unless image tag is set, then spins up a temporary pod with the image and runs the command given in the task variable command, for instance with set :command, "rails console". Environment variables can also be passed by definingenv_hash, i.e. set :env_hash, {"RAILS_ENV" => "production", "MY_VAR" => "abcd123"}

The pod will be named command-username-branch, and can be reattached/killed in case of disconnection.

A kubectl_pod_overrides task option is available to pass a value to the overrides option of the kubectl run command.


Confirms and delete all resources on cluster under namespace.

Advanced usage examples

Deploy environment variable(s) as secret

Using Rails and its encrypted credentials feature, the RAILS_MASTER_KEY environment variable can be deployed as a Kubernetes secrets by adding a secrets.yml.erb file like below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: secrets
  RAILS_MASTER_KEY: <%= Base64.strict_encode64(File.read("#{Dir.pwd}/config/credentials/production.key").strip) %>

Krane will deploy it before other resources so it's already available when running pods/jobs/deployments which reference this variable such as Rails migrations.

Run an interactive rails console on non-preemptible GKE node

Add the following to your deploy.rb

task :console do
  set :command, "rails console"
  set :env_hash, "RAILS_ENV" => fetch(:stage), "RAILS_MASTER_KEY" => File.read("#{Dir.pwd}/config/credentials/#{fetch(:stage)}.key").strip
  set :kubectl_pod_overrides, '{"spec": {"affinity": {"nodeAffinity": {"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": {"nodeSelectorTerms": [{"matchExpressions": [{"key": "cloud.google.com/gke-preemptible", "operator": "DoesNotExist"} ] } ] } } } } }'

  invoke :'kubernetes:command'

You can now run mina production console to open a rails console in production environment with the image of your choice!