MingleCLI is a command line interface to the Mingle API.
mingle_cli configure --username=[username] --password=[password] --hostname=[hostname] --project=[project]
mingle_cli card [number] [format]
mingle_cli cards [filter] [format]
mingle_cli comment [number] [comment]
mingle_cli comments [number]
###Argument Definitions:###
- Number: The card number.
- Format: The format of the result of the command. Formats can contain property names nested in brackets which will then be replaced with the value of the property.
- Comment: The message to leave in the comment.
- Filter: Mingle's MQL syntax.
#Examples ####Configuring:####
mingle_cli configure --username=hsimpson --password=doh1 --hostname=power_plant.local --project=radioactive_donut
####Getting card information:####
mingle_cli card 19480 "Status: [status] Pair: [dev pair]"
Status: In Development Pair: Homer/Bart
####Querying for cards:####
mingle_cli cards 'status is ["in development"]' 'Number: [number] Pair: [dev pair]'
Number: 19480 Pair: Homer/Bart
Number: 19495 Pair: Marge/Lisa
####Adding a card comment:####
mingle_cli comment 19480 'Doh!'
####Viewing card comments:####
mingle_cli comments 19480
2014-01-30 12:57:46 -0500 Homer Simpson: Doh!