For large JavaScript applications, you need to include and parse alot of JavaScript just to start showing something on the page. minispade-rails allows you to defer the parsing of parts of your application until you need it.
minispade-rails allows you to compile your javascript files into strings that can be required at runtime using minispade.js
To understand the problem that minispade-rails solves, read AMD is Not the Answer by @tomdale and Lazy evaluation of CommonJS modules by Tobie Langel
Getting started
Add the gem to your application Gemfile:
gem "minispade-rails"
Then replace require_tree
with require_spade
and things should "just work", for example:
//= require_tree ./your_application
// Becomes...
//= require minispade
//= require_spade ./your_application
You need to call //= require minispade
to include minispade.js into your application. If you get "minispade is undefined" type errors, you're probably missing that line.
What does require_spade do?
Usually, require_tree
will recursively go through your folder structure, compile the asset, and drop it into the current file. So you get something that looks like this:
// path/to/file_1.js
(function() {
alert('File #1');
// path/to/file_2.js
(function() {
alert('File #2');
// path/to/file_3.js
(function() {
alert('File #3');
What require_spade
will do, is it will compile the asset, and drop the contents into a minispade.register
call, like so:
minispade.register("path/to/file_1.js", "alert('File #1')");
minispade.register("path/to/file_2.js", "alert('File #2')");
minispade.register("path/to/file_3.js", "alert('File #3')");
Then during your application code, as you need access to "file_1", you simply call minispade.require
like so:
And it will execute the file. If you've already called minispade.require
before on the same file, it will do nothing. Note that calling minispade.require
is a synchronous function call.
The only configuration option that minispade-rails supports at the moment is the ability to switch on/off using a string to defer the parsing of the JavaScript.
Setting MinispadeRails::Config.deferred
in an initializer to true
will cause the following output:
minispade.register("path/to/file_1.js", "alert('File #1')");
Setting it to false
will give you something like this:
minispade.register("path/to/file_1.js", function() { alert('File #1') });
Sometimes, evaling code is actually slower than just parsing it. If you have a very small app, but want to future-proof the code, then setting deferred
to false early on, will give you faster loading times.
See for more details.
Contributors / Credits
Thanks to the following:
- @robmonie and @hassox for suggesting that this gem could be possible.
- @wycats for writing minispade.js
- @tomdale for writing his excellent article on AMD
Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.