The ruby client plugin for the Mnemosyne monitoring system. It extracts full application traces including cross-application requests for distributed applications (services etc.).
Supported probes:
- Acfs: Remote calls including tracing middleware
- ActionController: Processing actions and rendering
- ActionDispatch: Error capturing
- ActiveJob: Background job execution
- ActiveRecord: SQL query time
- ActiveView: Template and Partial rendering
- Faraday: HTTP client operations and tracing injection
- Grape: Endpoint run, filter and render times
- Mnemosyne: Custom traces
- Msgr: Event publishing and consumer processing
- Rack: Middleware for request tracing
- Redis: Client operations
- Responders: render time
- Restify: Remote calls including tracing middleware
- Sidekiq: Client and server tracing
- ViewComponent: Component rendering (needs additional configuration)
Add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'mnemosyne-ruby', '~> 2.0'
Note: Removing support for ancient Ruby or Rails versions will not result in a new major. Please be extra careful when using ancient Ruby or Rails versions and updating gems.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.