mod-cons¶ ↑
Mod Cons (pl. n.). 1. Slang abbreviation of Modern Conveniences. 2. A great way to refer to the Modern Conveniences of Modular Configuration.
Modular, decentralized configuration declarations for Ruby. Every module, class, or file declares its own configurable parameters, which are merged into the (optionally) global configuration object.
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Usage¶ ↑
Config Declarations¶ ↑
In foo.rb:
ModCons::Config.declare(:foo) do url nil cert_file nil key_file nil key_pass '' end class Foo def initialize @config = end def get_thing do_something_with(@config.url) ### Or, forget the instance variable and go global ### do_something_with( end end
In bar.rb:
ModCons::Config.declare(:bar) do url nil credentials do # In-place sub-configuration declaration! username nil password nil end end
In baz.rb:
ModCons::Config.declare(:baz) { key 'value' }
Application Configuration¶ ↑
Block-Based¶ ↑
ModCons::Config.configure do foo do url '' cert_file '/path/to/cert.cer' key_file '/path/to/cert.key' key_pass 'certpassword' end bar do url '' credentials.username 'validuser' credentials.password 'validpass' ### OR ### credentials do username 'validuser' password 'validpass' end end baz.key 'Some other value' end
Hash-Based¶ ↑
ModCons::Config.configure({ :foo => { :url => "", :cert_file => "/path/to/cert.cer" :key_file => "/path/to/cert.key", :key_pass => "certpassword", }, :bar => { :url => "", :credentials => { :username => "validuser", :password => "validpass" } }, :baz => { :key => "Some other value" } });
You can even have it create a skeleton config file for you:
File.write('config.rb', 'w') { |f| f.write(ModCons::Config.template) } # Produces a file called config.rb containing the following: ModCons::Config.configure do bar do credentials do password nil username nil end url nil end baz.key "value" foo do cert_file nil key_file nil key_pass "" url nil end end
Configuration Change Listeners¶ ↑
Want to keep resources external to the configuration object in sync with configuration changes?
ModCons::Config.declare(:quux) do email nil config_changed do |config| some_global_object.email_address = end end
Local Configurations¶ ↑
ModCons::Config is just a global instance of ModCons::Configuration. Your class, module, or application can define its own arbitrarily-scoped copy instead.
require 'forwardable' class Foo extend Forwardable def_delegator :@config, :configure def initialize @config = ModCons::Configuration.declare(:config) do key1 'default1' key2 'default2' end end def key_1 @config.key1 end end f = f.configure { key1 'value1' } puts f.key_1
Known Issues¶ ↑
Configuration property names must begin with a letter, and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.
Due to the self-declaring, self-configuring, meta-programmed nature of ModCons::Configuration, the following tokens are not available as configuration property names:
Releases¶ ↑
0.1.1 Initial public release
0.2.0 Add ModCons::Configuration#post_config to allow manual invocation of post configuration listeners
Contributing to mod-cons¶ ↑
Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet
Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it
Fork the project
Start a feature/bugfix branch
Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright¶ ↑
Copyright © 2011 Michael B. Klein. See LICENSE.txt for further details.