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Ruby on Rails REST APIs built by convention using the DB schema as the foundation, please see README for mode of use.



 Project Readme

Model Driven Api


  • To have a comprehensive and meaningful Model driven API right out of the box by just creating migrations in your rails app or engine. With all the CRUD operations in place out of the box and easily expandable with custom actions if needed.
  • To have a plain REST implementation which adapts the returned JSON to the specific needs of the client, without the need to change backend code, this may overcome the biggest disadvantage of REST vs GraphQL = client driver presentation.

TL;DR 5-10 minutes adoption

  1. Add this line to your application's Gemfile or as a dependency for your engine gem: gem 'model_driven_api'
  2. Run from the shell: bundle
  3. Add needed models, like:
rails g migration AddLocation name:string:index description:text:index
rails g migration AddProduct name:string:index code:string:uniq location:references
# Any other migration(s) you need... 
  1. Run the migrations: rails db:migrate
  2. Bring up your dev server: rails s
  3. Use Insomnia rest client to try the endpoints by importing the API v2 tests and editing the environment variables as needed.

This will setup a User model, Role model, Permissions model and the HABTM table between these + any added model you created at the step 3.

The default admin user created during the migration step has a randomly generated password you can find in a .passwords file in the root of your project, that's the initial password, in production you can replace that one, but for testing it proved handy to have it promptly available.

I've always been interested in effortless, no-fuss, conventions' based development, DRYness, and pragmatic programming, I've always thought that at this point of the technology evolution, we need not to configure too much to have our software run, having the software adapt to data layers and from there building up APIs, visualizations, etc. in an automatic way. This is a first step to have a schema driven API or better model drive, based on the underlining database, the data it has to serve and some sane dafults, or conventions. This effort also gives, thanks to meta programming, an insight on the actual schema, via the info API, the translations available and the DSL which can change the way the data is presented, leading to a strong base for automatica built of UIs consuming the API (react, vue, angular based PWAs, maybe! ;-) ).

Doing this means also narrowing a bit the scope of the tools, taking decisions, at least for the first implementations and versions of this engine, so, this works well if the data is relational, this is a prerequisite (postgres, mysql, mssql, etc.).

REST Enhanced

Thanks to the inclusion of Ransack and ActiveModel::Serializer, by just adding the querystring keys q and a, you can create complex queries (q) to obtain just the records you need, which present in the returnd JSON just the attributes (a) needed. By combining the two keys, you can obtain just the data you want.

The json_attrs or a query string passed accepts these keys (Please see ActiveModel::Serializer for reference):

  • only: list [] of model fields to be shown in JSON serialization
  • except: exclude these fields from the JSON serialization, this is a list []
  • methods: include the result of some methods defined in the model, this is a list []
  • include: include associated models, it's an object {} which also accepts the keys described in this document (only, except, methods, include)


{{ base_url  }}/{{ controller  }}?a[only][]=locked&a[only][]=username&a[methods][]=jwe_data

Is translated to:

{a: {only: ["locked", "username"], methods: ["jwe_data"]}}

Which tells the API controller just to return this optimized serialization:

    "username": "Administrator",
    "locked": false,
    "jwe_data": "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJSMTI4R0NNIn0..yz0tnC6y3BzgoOsO.BjHb9CRIb0vrv7nnEx54Ac8-cATPJ9sTlQSSxRbTmtcPHc5KhvtyE_hyBRnIcK92bzUBRwdy6ASB2XJVy1VfWxAmO8E.4tOzJlfuXi-shaRhDSkOyg"

By combinig with Ransack's q query string key (please read Ransack documentation to discover all the possible and complex searches you can make), you can obtain right what you want:

{{ base_url  }}/{{ controller  }}?a[only][]=locked&a[only][]=username&a[methods][]=jwe_data&q[email_cont][]=adm

Which translates to:

{a: {only: ["locked", "username"], methods: ["jwe_data"]}, q: { email_cont: ["adm"]}}

For bigger searches, which may over crowd the querystring length, you can always use the default Search POST endpoint.


Yes, this is the second version of such an effort and you can note it from the api calls, which are all under the /api/v2 namespace the /api/v1 one, was were it all started, many ideas are ported from there, such as the generation of the automatic model based crud actions, as well as custom actions definitions and all the things that make also this gem useful for my daily job were already in place, but it was too coupled with thecore's rails_admin UI, making it impossible to create a complete UI-less, API only application, out of the box and directly based of the DB schema, with all the bells and whistles I needed (mainly self adapting, data and schema driven API functionalities). So it all began again, making a better thecore_api gem into this model_driven_api gem, more polished, more functional and self contained.

What has changed

  • Replace v1 with v2 in the url
  • Custom actions defined in model's concerns now are triggered by a do querystring, for example: /api/v2/:model?do=custom_action or /api/v2/:model/:id?do=custom_action
  • Searches using Ransack can be done either by GET or POST, but POST is preferred.

Standards Used

  • JWT for authentication.
  • CanCanCan for authorization.
  • Ransack query engine for complex searches going beyond CRUD's listing scope.
  • Catch all routing rule to automatically add basic crud operations to any AR model in the app.


All the Models of WebApp follow the same endpoint specification as a standard. The only deviations to the normally expected CRUD endpoints are for the authenticate controller and the info controller described below. This is due to their specific nature, which is not the common CRUD interaction, but to provide specifically a way to retrieve the JWT or retrieve low level information on the structure of the API.

Return Values

The expected return values are:

  • 200 success: the request performed the expected action.
  • 401 unauthenticated: username, password or token are invalid.
  • 403 unauthorized: the user performing the action is authenticated, but doesn't have the permission to perform it.
  • 404 not found: the record or custom action is not present in the
  • 422 invalid: the specified body of the request has not passed the validations for the model.
  • 500 errors on the platform: usually this means you found a bug in the code.

Getting the Token

The first thing that must be done by the client is to get a Token using the credentials:

POST http://localhost:3000/api/v2/authenticate

with a POST body like the one below:

	"auth": {
		"email": "<REPLACE>",
		"password": "<REPLACE>"

This action will return in the header a Token you can use for the following requests. Bear in mind that the Token will expire within 15 minutes and that at each successful request a new token is returned using the same header, so, at each interaction between client server, just making an authenticated and successful request, will give you back a way of continuing to make authenticated requests without the extra overhead of an authentication for each one and without having to keep long expiry times for the Token.

Keep in mind that the Token, if decoded, bears the information about the expiration time as part of the payload.

Authenticated Requests

Once the JWT has been retrieved, the Authenticated Requests must use it in a header of Bearer Type like this one:

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJleHAiOjE1OTA3NzQyMzR9.Z-1yECp55VD560UcB7gIhgVWJNjn8HUerG5s4TVSRko

Token Refresh

If issued during the token validity period, this will just return a new JWT to be used during following API request.

:GET http://localhost:3000/api/v2/info/heartbeat

CRUD Actions

All the interactions with the Models are Authenticated Request (see below for reference on Getting the Token), all the models have the following six CRUD actions and the custom actions defined for them in addition (see below for reference to custom actions in the Schema section of the Info controller):


Returns a list of all the records for the models specified by the expected fields as per DSL section below. Example request for users model:

GET http://localhost:3000/api/v2/users


Returns a list of all the records for the models specified by the expected fields as per DSL section below, the returned records are filtered by the search predicates you can find in the body of the request: Example request for users model:

POST http://localhost:3000/api/v2/users/search

Example of the body of the request (q means question, the _eq particle means equals, so in this simple example I'm looking for records which have the id attribute set to 1, mimicking the Show action below):

    "id_eq": 1

The complete documentation of the predicates that can be used is provided by the Ransack library, the filtering, ordering, grouping options are really infinite.


Creates a record for the specified Model. Validations on the data sent are triggered. Example request for users model:

POST http://localhost:3000/api/v2/users

Example of the body of the request:

  "user":  {
    "email": "prova@example.com",
    "admin": false,
    "password": "prova63562",
    "password_confirmation": "prova63562"


Retrieves a single record as specified by the expected fields as per DSL section below. Example request for users model (retrieves the record with ID = 1):

GET http://localhost:3000/api/v2/users/1


Changes the value of one or more attributes for the specified model. In the body of the PUT request you can just use the attributes you want to change, it's not necessary to use all the attributes of the record. Example request for users model with ID = 1:

PUT http://localhost:3000/api/v2/users/1

Example of the body of the request:

  "user": {
    "email": "ciao@example.com"


Deletes the specified record. Example request for users model with ID = 1:

DELETE http://localhost:3000/api/v2/users/1

Custom Actions

Are triggered by a do querystring, for example: GET /api/v2/:model?do=custom_action or GET /api/v2/:model/:id?do=custom_action respectively for a custom action which works on the entire records collection or a custom action which works on the specific record identified by :id.

Info API

The info API /api/v2/info/ can be used to retrieve general information about the REST API.


By issuing a GET on this api, you will get a response containing the version of WebApp. This is a request which doesn't require authentication, it could be used as a checkpoint for consuming the resources exposed by this engine.


GET http://localhost:3000/api/v2/info/version

Would produce a response body like this one:

  "version": "2.1.14"


Authenticated Request by issuing a GET request to /api/v2/info/roles:

GET http://localhost:3000/api/v2/info/roles

Something like this can be retrieved:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "role-1586521657646",
    "created_at": "2020-04-10T12:27:38.061Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-04-10T12:27:38.061Z",
    "lock_version": 0
    "id": 2,
    "name": "role-1586522353509",
    "created_at": "2020-04-10T12:39:14.276Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-04-10T12:39:14.276Z",
    "lock_version": 0


Authenticated Request This action will send back the authorized models accessible by the User owner of the Token at least for the :read ability. The list will also show the field types of the model and the associations.

By issuing this GET request:

GET http://localhost:3000/api/v2/info/schema

You will get something like:

  "users": {
    "id": "integer",
    "email": "string",
    "encrypted_password": "string",
    "admin": "boolean",
    "lock_version": "integer",
    "associations": {
      "has_many": [
      "belongs_to": []
    "methods": null
  "role_users": {
    "id": "integer",
    "created_at": "datetime",
    "updated_at": "datetime",
    "associations": {
      "has_many": [],
      "belongs_to": [
    "methods": null
  "roles": {
    "id": "integer",
    "name": "string",
    "created_at": "datetime",
    "updated_at": "datetime",
    "lock_version": "integer",
    "associations": {
      "has_many": [
      "belongs_to": []
    "methods": null

The associations: key lists the relations between each model and the associated models, be them a n:1 (belongs_to) or a n:m (has_many) one. The methods key will list the custom actions that can be used in addition to normal CRUD operations, these are usually bulk actions or any computation that can serve a specific purpose outside the basic CRUD scope used usually to simplify the interaction between client and server (i.e. getting in one request the result of a complex computations which usually would be sorted out using more requests).


Authenticated Request This action will send back, for each model, which are the fields to be expected in the returning JSON of each request which has a returning value. This information can complement the Schema action above output by giving information on what to expect as returned fields, associations and aggregates (methods) from each READ action of the CRUD. It can be used both to validate the returned values of a LIST or a SHOW or to drive UI generation of the clients.

By issuing this GET request:

GET http://localhost:3000/api/v2/info/dsl

You will get something like:

  "users": {
    "except": [
    "include": [
  "roles": {
    "except": [
    "include": [
        "users": {
          "only": [
  "role_users": null


Authenticated Request This action will send back, all the translations of model names, attribute names and any other translation defined in the backend. This can be used by the UI clients to be aligned with the translations found in the Backend. The locale for which the translation is requested can be specified by the querystring locale, it defaults to it. For Model translations, the ones used more, the key to look for is activerecord and subkeys models and attributes.

By issuing this GET request:

GET http://localhost:3000/api/v2/info/translations?locale=it

You will get smething like (incomplete for briefness):

  "activerecord": {
    "attributes": {
      "user": {
        "confirmation_sent_at": "Conferma inviata a",
        "confirmation_token": "Token di conferma",
        "confirmed_at": "Confermato il",
        "created_at": "Data di Creazione",
        "current_password": "Password corrente",
        "current_sign_in_at": "Accesso corrente il",
        "current_sign_in_ip": "IP accesso corrente",
        "email": "E-Mail",
        "encrypted_password": "Password criptata",
        "failed_attempts": "Tentativi falliti",
        "last_sign_in_at": "Ultimo accesso il",
        "last_sign_in_ip": "Ultimo IP di accesso",
        "locked_at": "Bloccato il",
        "password": "Password",
        "password_confirmation": "Conferma Password",
        "remember_created_at": "Ricordami creato il",
        "remember_me": "Ricordami",
        "reset_password_sent_at": "Reset password inviata a",
        "reset_password_token": "Token di reset password",
        "sign_in_count": "Numero di accessi",
        "unconfirmed_email": "Email non confermata",
        "unlock_token": "Token di sblocco",
        "updated_at": "Aggiornato il",
        "username": "Nome Utente",
        "code": "Codice",
        "roles": "Ruoli",
        "admin": "Amministratore?",
        "locked": "Bloccato?",
        "third_party": "Ente Terzo?"
      "role": {
        "users": "Utenti",
        "name": "Nome",
        "permissions": "Permessi"
      "permission": {
        "predicate": "Predicato",
        "action": "Azione",
        "model": "Modello"

      [ ... ]


If you want to manually test the API using Insomnia you can find the chained request in Insomnia v4 json format inside the test/insomnia folder. Once loaded the tests inside the insomnia application, please right click on the folder, then in the menu select </> Environment and change base_url, email and password as needed to set them for all the subsequent actions.



Thanks to all these people for ideas:

  • Billy Cheng For a way to have a nice and clean implementation of the JWT on top of Devise.
  • Daniel For a smart way to manage token expiration.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.