Mogwai is a ruby gem that recursively deploys the contents of a folder to an s3 bucket.
How to
Just include mogwai in your gemfile
gem 'mogwai'
Create a Mogfile in the root of your project, with the following specified
# Your aws access key
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: '11111111111111111111'
# your aws secret key
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: '2222222222222222222222222222222222222222'
# optional
AWS_REGION: 'us-standard'
# The bucket you are publishing to
AWS_BUCKET: 'my-bucket'
# Directory to upload to s3 bucket
BUILD_DIR: 'build'
To deploy, run the mogwai command
$ mogwai
The contents of the 'build' directory will now reside at the root of the s3 bucket.
Optionall, you can pass the bucket name into the executable.
$ mogwai mybucket