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Basic template for MOJ Services


>= 0
= 2.14.1
= 3.2.9
= 2.10.0


>= 3.1
 Project Readme

This repository is no longer in use. Please use govuk_template instead

Ministry of Justice Template

This repository is intended to provide a consistent starting point for Ministry of Justice services that are hosted on the gov.uk domain. It includes a basic shared layout and assets that are used across multiple projects.

View Changelog


The Ruby language (1.9.3+), the build tool Rake & the dependancy management tool Bundler


At present this generates 5 output formats:

  1. a gem containing a Rails engine
  2. a tarball containing Play Framework templates
  3. a folder containing Mustache templates
  4. a tarball containing Mustache Inheritance templates
  5. a tarball
  6. a django python package
  7. a Jinja python package

Gem version

The gem is available on rubygems.org. To use it, add this line to your application's Gemfile (change the tag to the version you would like to use):

gem 'moj_template', '0.23.2'

And then execute:


You can then use the moj_template layout in your app. If you need to extend the layout you can use nested layouts.

Note: After making changes to sass files within the template run rake tmp:clear in your rails app to clear any existing cached files.

Gem Config

In order for these files to work, you will need to set a number of variables in your application.rb for things like project title, current phase, etc. If you are encountering errors when trying to use the toolkit, make sure the following are set inside your class Application (example values from a current project provided):

# Application Title (Populates <title>)
config.app_title = ''
# Proposition Title (Populates proposition header)
config.proposition_title = ''
# Current Phase (Sets the current phase and the colour of phase tags)
# Presumed values: alpha, beta, live
config.phase = ''
# Product Type (Adds class to body based on service type)
# Presumed values: information, service
config.product_type = ''
# Feedback URL (URL for feedback link in phase banner)
config.feedback_url = ''

Django version

The Django package is available on pypi.python.org. To use the django package, add the following package to requirements.txt:


Then run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Add moj_template to your INSTALLED_APPS in your settings.py file. Eg:

INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'moj_template', ... )

Then to use the template in your application extend your base template from the moj_template using:

{% extends 'moj_template/base.html' %}

Django Config

You will be required to set up some additional config to use the package.

Create a new file called {app_path}/context_processors.py with the following contents:

def globals(request):
  return {
    'app_title': '', # Application Title (Populates <title>)
    'proposition_title': '', # Proposition Title (Populates proposition header)
    'phase': '', # Current Phase (Sets the current phase and the colour of phase tags). Presumed values: alpha, beta, live
    'product_type': '', # Product Type (Adds class to body based on service type). Presumed values: information, service
    'feedback_url': '', # Feedback URL (URL for feedback link in phase banner)

Then add the following to your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in settings.py:


Jinja version

Similarly to Django instructions include the package in requirements.txt:


Add moj_template to your INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py file:


Extend from Jinja base template:

{% extends 'moj_template/base.jinja' %}

Play version

To generate the tarball of Play Framework templates run bundle exec rake build:play. This will produce a tarball in the pkg directory.

Mustache version

To generate the folder of Mustache templates run bundle exec rake build:mustache. This will produce a folder in the pkg directory.

Mustache Inheritance version

There is a proposal for Mustache to support template inheritance this is supported in both the mustache.java and the hogan.js implementations of Mustache.

To generate the tarball of the Mustache Inheritance templates run the build:mustache_inheritance rake task. This will produce a tarball in the pkg directory.

Liquid version

To generate the folder of Liquid templates run bundle exec rake build:liquid. This will produce a tarball in the pkg directory.

Tarball version

To generate the tarball, run the bundle exec rake build:tar rake task. This will produce a tarball in the pkg directory.


After an accepted contribution (pull request merged into master), checkout master, increase the version in lib/moj_template/version.rb using Semantic Versioning, update CHANGELOG.md with the changes made on that version and push back to the remote. DO NOT tag the repository manually.

This will trigger a jenkins build and on success it will publish the following packages and tag the remote repository with the new version number:


The source files are in the /source directory. The compile rake task builds the /app contents from these sources. This process involves the following:

  • compiling all stylesheets referenced in /manifests.yml to plain CSS (actually css.erb, so the Rails asset pipeline can work in the gem).
  • combining all JavaScript files referenced in /manifests.yml (using Sprockets)
  • copying the images across (including any needed images from the toolkit)

This resulting app directory is included in the gem and hooked in as a Rails engine


The JS is written using a slightly adapted Heisenberg.js methodology. A main MOJ namespace is created in moj.js and modules are created in separate files and added to this namespace on a project per project basis.

To make use of any modules from the modules/ folder, include the required module file after the moj.js file. Here's an example usage:

//= require modules/moj.tabs.js