Mongobacker ¶ ↑
Mongoback is a command line tool to backup mongoDB instances to s3. Its designed to be easily used with cron in order to easily automate backups.
Installation and Setup¶ ↑
$ gem install mongo_backer $ mongobacker init
Mongobacker init will ask you a few questions to properly create a mongobacker.yml configuration file in the current working directory. Once this file is properly configured you are ready to run mongobacker to create backups.
Backups¶ ↑
To create a backup simply run the following command:
$ mongobacker backup -c /path/to/mongobacker.yml
If all goes well a new backup of the configured mongodb instance will now be on s3.
List¶ ↑
View a list of backups currently held in s3
$ mongobacker list -c /path/to/mongobacker.yml
Upcoming Features¶ ↑
Mongobacker is still very early in development, bugs are to be expected. Here is a short list of features I plan to implement.
Delete old backups¶ ↑
A configurable threshold which will delete backups that are older than the threshold.
$ mongobacker delete -c /path/to/mongobacker.yml
Restore MongoDB from backup¶ ↑
Allow mongobacker to download a backup from s3 and use mongorestore with backup to restore the mongoDB instance.
Split backup into smaller files¶ ↑
S3 has a 5gig limit per object, if your database is larger than 5gigs compressed mongobacker, currently, will not work for you. It should split the backup into smaller pieces and upload them. For restore it should download and combine all the peices.