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Create and maintain aggregate metadata with Mongoid


~> 1.7
~> 4.3
~> 10.0
~> 0.7


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Casino is a DSL which helps you interact with and explore your Mongoid::Document collections, and helps you more easily use MongoDB's aggregation framework.

Casino works like this:

  1. Build a class and include Casino::Collection * This gives the class the following macros: dimension, focus, and question * The class also gains the following instance methods: answer, intersection, projection, and query

  2. Declare the parameters of your Casino class by defining it using the class-level macros. You must define at least one focus, dimension, and question * A focus is a class name or a list of class names where Casino can expect to find a Mongoid document API (in other words, a class which includes Mongoid::Document) * A dimension defines an area of interest for the focus by name, then points to a specific Mongoid::Document field with a symbol or string. This is usually something defined in the document model itself, but it can actually be anything, due to the schemaless nature of MongoDB. The third argument to a dimension is a symbol which points to an attr_accessor or instance method on the class which provides an array of query method invocations. This list represents the different facets of the dimension. * Finally, a question is a specific action you want to use once you've produced the documents that your dimension and focus combinations have resulted in. In order to tap into the current intersection being queried, Casino provides the intersection helper, which is a combination of all the current dimension facets currently being questioned.

  3. Once defined, Casino will handle generation and querying of your generated collection from here on out.

The Casino API

Class (macro) methods


  • Arguments:
    • Label: A "pretty name" for the dimension for easy display.
    • Field: This is a string or symbol which indicates the dimension's target field.
    • Queries: This is a symbol which references an instance method or accessor that produces an array of Casino::Query objects (built with the query instance method).
    • Approach: (optional) This is a hash which contains an :operator key, in case the dimension should query a field differently than the default (where) query plan, for example, gt, or and, etc.
  • Returns: A Casino::Dimension object.
  • What it does: The dimension class method creates a Casino::Dimension object and registers it with the Casino::Collection the parent class is a part of. From that point on, the dimension will be used as a factor in building out the following:
    • A generated collection key (_id).
    • The generated collection name.
    • The intersections for the aggregation, where Casino will ask any questions it is given.


  • Arguments:
    • Models: A class which includes the Mongoid::Document module.
  • Returns: A Casino::Focus object.
  • What it does: Creates a Casino::Focus object and registers it with the Casino::Collection of the parent class. From that point on, the focus object is used in the following way:
    • The generated collection name.
    • The targets for dimensional intersection questions.
    • The subject material for aggregate data.


  • Arguments:

    • Name: The name of the question, this is what the question will be registered under.
    • Answer: This is a :method_name.
  • Returns: A Casino::Question object

  • What it does: Creates a Casino::Question object for the given arguments, and registers it with the Casino::Collection of the parent class.

    A Casino::Question represents the actual operation which will be performed on a focus at a given dimensional intersection.

    When methods marked with the question macro are run, the following instance variables become available:

    • answer: An answer to another question at the current intersection.
    • intersection: The current intersection criteria.
    • projection: A MongoDB aggregation framework wrapper scoped to the current intersection.

Instance methods


  • Arguments:
    • Method name: A :symbol pointing to another question. This method returns the results of that question.
  • Returns: An answered question key/value pair: { question_name: question_answer }


  • Arguments:
    • Documents: Any argument passed in will be evaluated as though it were a Mongoid::Document of the collection's focus.
  • Returns: Any results which were updated with the given documents.
  • What it does: insert is a trickle-in mechanism, which updates any intersections which match a document.


  • Arguments: None
  • Returns: Mongoid::Criteria - A window into the currently active criteria being questioned.


  • Arguments: None
  • Returns: A Casino::Projection object preloaded with the current intersection selector, which wraps around MongoDB's aggregation framework.


  • Arguments:
    • Label: A string or symbol that indicates a field to store the query's results in
    • Criterion: A list of items to use to search within the question field
  • Returns: A Casino::Query instance for use to build outputs as well as to build Casino::Intersection objects with.


  • Arguments: None
  • Returns: A list of answer hashes for every intersection. Casino persists intersection results to a generated MongoDB collection the first time it is used, and afterward will just combine already produced results with new results (in essence, it only queries for new information and remembers the rest).


  • Arguments: None
  • Returns: Re-generates the entire generated collection.