mongorilla¶ ↑
mongorilla is very small Object Document Mapper for mongo. mongorilla can update atomic with condition. mongorilla accept single server or Master/Slave or Replica Set mongorilla does not manage relation. but you can create relation without difficulty. see mongorilla apli using relation
sample¶ ↑"/var/www/mongo_config.yml") #only one time when boot class User UserFields = [:_id,:name,:password,:logs,:log_count] include Mongorilla::Document end user = User.create(:name => "morita",:password => "pass") u = User.find( # find by id u = User.find({:name => "morita"},:master=>true)[0] #find user named morita for master db (if you want avoid slave time lag) u.password = "hello" #change attribute whithout update db yet u.push("logs","ooooo") #$push whithout update db yet"log_count",1) #$inc whithout update db yet #update above change to db u.push("logs","bb") #$push whithout update db yet u.push("logs","cc") #$push whithout update db yet p u.logs # ["ooooo","bb","cc"] p u.password # "hello" p u["password"] # "hello""log_count",2) #$inc +2 whithout update db yet p u.log_count # 3 ret ={:log_count => {"$lt" => 1}},Mongorilla::Document::SYNC) #update failed because log_count was 1. p ret # false p u.logs # ["ooooo"] p u.log_count # 1 u.pull("logs","ooooo") #$pull whithout update db yet p u.logs #["ooooo"] $pull is not reflect object because pull can be complex when embedded or $gt etc. ret = #update success and reflect object because reload was specified. p ret #true p user.logs # []
config¶ ↑
#single server host: localhost port: 27017 database: dev #Master/Slave host: localhost port: 27017 database: dev slaves: - host: localhost port: 27018 #replica Set hosts - - localhost - 27017 - - localhost - 27018 database: dev
syntax¶ ↑
1. Connect Server below statement when boot application"/var/www/mongo_config.yml","logfile.log")) logger is option. if logger does not exist,Mongorilla does not output log. 2. create document class and define constant class name + Fields with document fields and include Mongorilla::Document. class Class ClassNameFields = [:_id,...] include Mongorilla::Document end
Class.create(attributes)¶ ↑
args: attributes hash for document description: set attributes to db and return new Object
Class.collection¶ ↑
description: get mongodb collection
Class.find_one(cond,opt)¶ ↑
args: cond condition {:logcount => {"$gt" => 2}} etc. opt option master => true then find master db other option see mongo driver {:master => true,:fields => [:name]} etc. description: find one match object. if not exitst,return nil
Class.find(cond,opt)¶ ↑
args: cond condition {:logcount => {"$gt" => 2}} etc. if cond is String or BSON::ObjectId then search _id and return one object. opt option master => true then find master db other option see mongo driver {:master => true,:fields => [:name]} etc. description: return match objects array. if not exitst,return nil
#set(k,v)¶ ↑
args: k field name for $set v value for $set description: modify object attribute and modify @change for save. this method does not reflect db.
#inc(k,v)¶ ↑
args: k field name for $inc v amount for $inc. it is possible less than 0. description: modify object attribute and modify @change for save. this method does not reflect db.
#push(k,v)¶ ↑
args: k field name for $push v value for $push description: modify object attribute and modify @change for save. this method does not reflect db.
#unset(k)¶ ↑
args: k field name for $unset description: modify object attribute and modify @change for save. this method does not reflect db.
#push_all(k,v)¶ ↑
args: k field name for $pushAll v value for $pushAll description: modify object attribute and modify @change for save. this method does not reflect db.
#add_to_set(k,v)¶ ↑
args: k field name for $addToSet v value for $addToSet description: modify object attribute and modify @change for save. this method does not reflect db.
#pop(k,v)¶ ↑
args: k field name for $pop v value if less than 0 remove first else remove tail description: modify object attribute and modify @change for save. this method does not reflect db.
#pull(k,v)¶ ↑
args: k field name for $pull v value for $pull description: modify @change for save. this method does not reflect object and db.
#pull_all(k,v)¶ ↑
args: k field name for $pullAll v value for $pullAll description: modify @change for save. this method does not reflect object and db.
#save(cond,opt,mode)¶ ↑
args: cond condition(optional) {:count => {$lt => 20}} etc. opt option(optional) see mongdb driver {:upsert => true} etc. mode Mongorilla::Document::SYNC(default) or Mongorilla::Document::ASYNC or Mongorilla::Document::RELOAD SYNC is specified,check result,RELOAD is specified,check result and fetch update record from db, ASYNC is specified,does not check result. description: reflect @change to DB
#delete¶ ↑
description: remove object from db
#reset¶ ↑
description: discard @changes and reset object to original
#reload¶ ↑
description: fetch record from db.
Contributing to mongorilla¶ ↑
Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet
Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it
Fork the project
Start a feature/bugfix branch
Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright¶ ↑
Copyright © 2011 Takeshi Morita. See LICENSE.txt for further details.