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MonoRM is a small ORM library designed to make interacting with the database easier. It allows for intereaction with multiple database types, model relations, and features such as basic CRUD actions


~> 1.14
~> 9.0
~> 2.2
~> 0.10.4
~> 10.0
~> 3.0


 Project Readme


MonoRM is a lightweight Object Relational Mapping (ORM) library that facilitates the creation and usage of Ruby objects from data retrieved from persistent storage, as well as the insertion and manipulation of that data into persistent storage. When a new model class extends the 'Base' class, the methods are provided allowing for interaction with the chosen database.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'monorm'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install monorm


A small sample project that can be used to test MonoRM can be found here (coming soon).

Relevant OS database drivers must be set up by user in order for gem and dependencies to install (Instructions for PostgreSQL installation coming soon).

MonoRM was designed to work with several configuration files to allow for user customization.

The following files are required:

  • config folder
    • database.yml - This file contains relevant configuration for the database
    • boot.rb - This file (name not enforced) should define a constant named PROJECT_ROOT_DIR to represent the root directory of the project. It should also call MonoRM::DBInitializer.load_db_adapter, which loads the appropriate database adapter file in the gem.
    • model_loader.rb - This file (optional, but recommended), that loads all the models in the model directory that will be used in the application.
  • bin folder
    • There should be a file that requires bundler/setup and your choice of Ruby console to interact with the application, as well as the boot file from the config folder. Be sure to run the initialization methods from boot before startup, and then start the console
  • db folder (for sqlite databases)
    • sqlite_db folder
      • {database_name}.db - A database file, with name chosen by the user, is required by sqlite to function. Maintain this folder structure and enter the name (without .db extension) in the database.yml file under the database key

The following files are recommended:

  • db folder

    • sqlite_setup.rb - This is a setup script to setup a sqlite database. The recommended structure is to take a command line argument for the database name, and then run the setup. The setup will need a .db database file name path that will place the database file in the sqlite_db folder. A .sql file written for sqlite3 located in the sqlite_sql to seed the database with is also recommended. The following commands can then be run: dropdb, createdb, and sqlite3 path_to_db_name < path_to_sql_file to recreate the database to the specifications of the sqlite sql file.
    • pg_setup.rb - This is a setup script to setup a postgres database. The recommended structure is similar to sqlite, but no db folder/file is needed, just a .sql file written for a postgreSQL database, with the command psql database_name < path_to_sql_file.
    • sqlite_sql folder
      • db_name.sql - This is a .sql file named for the database to seed containing the relevant sql commands to seed the database, written for a sqlite3 database.
    • pg_sql folder
      • db_name.sql - This is a .sql file named for the database to seed containing the relevant sql commands to seed the database, written for a postgreSQL database.
  • models folder

    • This folder should contain any models that will be used to interact with the database, where each model should inherit from the MonoRM::Base class


  • CRUD Actions - Users may create new records in the database, read those records from the database, update certain value for a particular record in the database, and delete records from the database.
  • Searching - Users have several searching options available. A record may be found by it's id (Dragon.find(id)), or providing a hash to the where method (Dragon.where(name: 'Bob'))
  • Associations - Additional data related linked by a foreign_key to the original object may be obtained through an association method may be created in the particular model file. There are several associations available, belongs_to (Dragon.rider), has_many (Dragon.memories), and has_one_through, (Memory.rider). Additonal support is planned for a has_many option.

Database Support

Currently there is support for PostgreSQL and SQLite3 databases. Support for additional databases may be added in the future.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests (not yet written). You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  • Documentation and code snippets for major features
  • Write RSpec tests
  • Support for additional database query methods, including joins
  • Make where lazy and stackable
  • Implement Relation class
  • Implement validation methods
  • Implement has_many, :through
  • Prefetching using includes
  • Make convenience utility methods such as first and last
  • Add support for database.yml
  • Write additional database adapters, such as MySQL


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/monorm. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.