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This gem defines methods for controlling your videos on MoovAtom using the MoovEngine API.



>= 0
 Project Readme

NOTE: As of January 1, 2013 the Moovatom service is being re-branded and relaunched as Everybit Media Services. Version 2 of the Moovatom API will be the final version. Which means this gem is no longer under active development. Please see the new Ruby Gem project for the Everybit API for a lot of new features and functionality.

NOTE: As of version 0.2.0 this gem no longer supports v1 of the Moovatom API. That version has been deprecated. It is highly recommended that you move to the new v2 API as soon as possible.


This gem provides access to the Moovatom online video processing and streaming service. It provides all the necessary attributes and methods for:

  1. Starting a new video encoding process
  2. Getting the status of a current encoding
  3. Getting the details of a completed encoding
  4. Canceling an encoding job
  5. Deleting an encoding job
  6. Editing the attributes of your video player
  7. Searching for videos you've already encoded

Installing the gem is done through the usual gem install moovatom command, or by adding the following line to your project's Gemfile:

gem "moovatom"

The entire library is wrapped in a module named MoovAtom. Inside that module is a single class named MoovEngine. This class defines one constant, 13 instance variables and seven action methods that interact with Moovatom's RESTful API. The constant API_URL defines the URL to which the JSON or XML requests must be POST'd. The 13 instance variables are:

  1. @uuid
  2. @username
  3. @userkey
  4. @content_type
  5. @search_term
  6. @title
  7. @blurb
  8. @sourcefile
  9. @callbackurl
  10. @format
  11. @player
  12. @action
  13. @response

The last 2 are readable only. @response will always contain the last response received from the Moovatom servers and @action will be set by each of the action methods explained below. @player is a struct object (technically an OpenStruct) that provides access to the player attributes for your video. The remaining ten instance variables are writable and correspond to the attributes of the video you want to control as well as your specific Moovatom account credentials. These attributes can be set in a number of ways depending upon the needs of your specific application.

Instantiating a new (empty) object to communicate with the MoovAtom API is as simple as:

require 'moovatom'
me =

Of course you could simplify the above code if you plan on creating a lot of MoovEngine objects by including the MoovAtom module first:

require 'moovatom'
include MoovAtom

me1 =

...thousands of lines of code...

me2 =

...thousands of lines of code...

me3 =


The object created in the code above isn't very useful though. A MoovEngine object created without any arguments will, however, receive a few default values. @content_type will be initialized with a value of 'video', @format will be set to 'json' and @player will be initialized as an empty struct if no argument or block parameters are provided. The remaining ten instance variables need to be set with the credentials for your Moovatom account and the specifics about the video you wish to control. Aside from creating an empty object, as we did above, I've tried to include as much flexibility as I could when it comes to creating a new MoovEngine object. You can pass one or two hashes to the initialize method containing the values you wish to be set for either player or video attributes. The first hash will be used to setup video attributes and your Moovatom account credentials. The second hash is used to initialize an OpenStruct object of player attributes.

vattrs = {uuid: 'j9i8h7g6f5e4d3c2b1a', username: 'USERNAME', etc...}
pattrs = {width: "720", height: "480", etc...}

me =, pattrs)

The initialize method will first create an OpenStruct object using the values from the second hash if it was supplied and then iterate over the first hash and set each instance variable to the values provided. In addition to supplying a hash you can also pass a block:

me = do |me|
  me.uuid = 'j9i8h7g6f5e4d3c2b1a'
  me.username = 'USERNAME'
  me.userkey = 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j'
  me.player.height = "480"
  me.player.width = "720"

The initialize method yields self giving the block access to the internal state of your new MoovEngine object. Because the hash arguments are processed first you can also combine both techniques for maximum flexibility:

me ={uuid: 'j9i8h7g6f5e4d3c2b1a'}, {width: '720'}) do |me|
  me.userkey = 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j'
  me.title = 'Dolphin Training'
  me.blurb = 'How to train your dolphin like a pro.'
  me.sourcefile = ''
  me.callbackurl = ''
  me.player.height = "480"

The gem has been designed to be highly customizable. You are free to create a single instance and reuse it throughout your code, changing the attributes each time you need to work with a different video, or multiple instances representing individual videos if that's what your application requires, it's completely up to you.

Action Methods

The MoovEngine class has seven methods that have been designed to interact directly with the RESTful API implemented by Moovatom's servers:

  1. get_details() will return details about an encoded video
  2. get_status() will return the status of a video (e.g. - whether or not encoding has completed)
  3. encode() will start a new encoding job
  4. cancel() will cancel an unfinished encoding job
  5. delete() will delete a finished encoding job
  6. edit_player() changes the attributes of your video's online player
  7. media_search() returns videos based on the search terms you've provided

Each of these methods are almost identical. They all accept a hash/block argument syntax similar to the initialize method. The main difference is that the action methods will accept only one hash and a block. This allows you to easily reuse a MoovEngine object to request information about different videos. The seven action methods are able to be used and reused because they share a method that handles the heavy lifting when building and sending the request to Moovatom: send_request(). The send_request() method takes every instance variable (including player attributes) and creates a hash of the key/value attributes for your video. It then uses the @format and @action instance variables to build and POST the appropriate request to the Moovatom servers. If the response is successful it will parse it into either JSON or XML and store it in the @response instance variable. If the response is anything other than "200 OK" the raw Net::HTTPResponse object will be passed through and stored in @response. This allows you and your app to determine how best to handle the specific error response.

For more specific information about the Moovatom API please see the documentation.


Getting the details of a video you've uploaded to your Moovatom account is as simple as creating a MoovEngine object and populating it with your credentials and the specifics of the video you'd like to access:

me = 'j9i8h7g6f5e4d3c2b1a') do |me|
  me.username = 'USERNAME'
  me.userkey = 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j'


if me.response["uuid"] == 'j9i8h7g6f5e4d3c2b1a'
  video = Video.find(params[:id])
  "...gracefully fail or raise an exception here..."

A details request will POST the uuid, username and userkey instance variables from your MoovEngine object. If successful @response will contain either a JSON or XML formatted object (depending on the value of @format) ready to be queried and used. The example above shows how you can pass a hash, a block or both to the method. The remaining six action methods all accept the same style of argument passing.

Successful get_details() JSON Response:

    "uuid": "UUID",
    "title": "Video Title",
    "summary": "A short description about the media.",
    "duration": "45.347",
    "media_type": "video",
    "iframe_target": "",
    "http_live_streaming_playlist": "",
    "original_download": "",
    "versions": [
            "name": "mobile",
            "type": "video/mp4",
            "holdframe_download": "",
            "thumbnail_download": "",
            "holdframe_serve": "",
            "thumbnail_serve": "",
            "rtmp_stream": "rtmp://",
            "http_stream": "",
            "rtsp_stream": "rtsp://",
            "download": ""
            "name": "mobile_large",
            "type": "video/mp4",
            "holdframe_download": "",
            "thumbnail_download": "",
            "holdframe_serve": "",
            "thumbnail_serve": "",
            "rtmp_stream": "rtmp://",
            "http_stream": "",
            "rtsp_stream": "rtsp://",
            "download": ""
            "name": "small",
            "type": "video/mp4",
            "holdframe_download": "",
            "thumbnail_download": "",
            "holdframe_serve": "",
            "thumbnail_serve": "",
            "rtmp_stream": "rtmp://",
            "http_stream": "",
            "rtsp_stream": "rtsp://",
            "download": ""
            "name": "medium",
            "type": "video/mp4",
            "holdframe_download": "",
            "thumbnail_download": "",
            "holdframe_serve": "",
            "thumbnail_serve": "",
            "rtmp_stream": "rtmp://",
            "http_stream": "",
            "rtsp_stream": "rtsp://",
            "download": ""
            "name": "large",
            "type": "video/mp4",
            "holdframe_download": "",
            "thumbnail_download": "",
            "holdframe_serve": "",
            "thumbnail_serve": "",
            "rtmp_stream": "rtmp://",
            "http_stream": "",
            "rtsp_stream": "rtsp://",
            "download": ""


The get_status() method allows you to query a video that has begun encoding to check its progress.

me = 'j9i8h7g6f5e4d3c2b1a') do |me|
  me.username = 'USERNAME'
  me.userkey = 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j'


unless me.response["processing"]
  if me.response["uuid"] == 'j9i8h7g6f5e4d3c2b1a'
    video = Video.find(params[:id])
    "...gracefully fail or raise an exception here..."

A status request will POST the uuid, username and userkey instance variables from your MoovEngine object. The @response variable will contain either a success or error response:

Status Success Response:

    "uuid": "UUID",
    "processing": true,
    "percent_complete": 75,

Status Error Response:

    "uuid": "UUID",
    "processing": false,
    "percent_complete": 100,
    "error": "This was not a recognized format."


You can start a new encoding on the Moovatom servers through the encode() method.

me = 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j') do |me|
  me.username = 'USERNAME'
  me.title = 'Dolphin Training'
  me.blurb = 'How to train your dolphin like a pro.'
  me.sourcefile = ''
  me.callbackurl = ''


An encode request will POST the username, userkey, content type, title, blurb, sourcefile and callbackurl instance variables from your MoovEngine object. The body of the Moovatom response will contain the uuid assigned by Moovatom's servers to this new video as well as a message stating whether or not your job was started successfully:

Encode Started Response:

    "uuid": "UUID",
    "message": "Your job was started successfully."

After a successful response the @uuid variable of your MoovEngine object will be set to the uuid assigned by Moovatom. The encode action implemented on Moovatom's servers differs slightly from the other six actions. Once the encoding is complete Moovatom's servers will send a response to the callback URL you set in the @callbackurl instance variable. Your app should define a controller (or url handler if it's a Sinatra app) that will process these callbacks to save/update the video's details in your database. The body of the callback sent by Moovatom looks exactly like the response from a get_details() request.

Additionally, the video you are uploading to Moovatom must be in a publicly accessibly location. Moovatom will attempt to transfer that video from the url you define in the @sourcefile instance variable. The ability to upload a video directly is planned for a future version of the API and this gem.

For more specific information about the Moovatom API please see the documentation.


If you decide, for whatever reason, that you no longer need or want a specific video on Moovatom you can cancel its encoding anytime before it finishes using the cancel() method. A cancel request will POST the uuid, username and userkey instance variables from your MoovEngine object. The body of the Moovatom response will contain a message telling you whether or not you've successfully cancelled your video:

me = 'j9i8h7g6f5e4d3c2b1a') do |me|
  me.username = 'USERNAME'
  me.userkey = 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j'


if me.response['processing']
  "...gracefully fail or raise an exception here..."

Example cancel request response:

    "uuid": "UUID",
    "message": "This job was successfully cancelled."


If you decide, for whatever reason, that you no longer need or want a specific video on Moovatom you can delete its encoding anytime after it finishes using the delete() method. A delete request will POST the uuid, username and userkey instance variables from your MoovEngine object. The body of the Moovatom response will contain a message telling you whether or not you've successfully deleted your video:

me = 'j9i8h7g6f5e4d3c2b1a') do |me|
  me.username = 'USERNAME'
  me.userkey = 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j'


unless me.response['processing']
  "...gracefully fail or raise an exception here..."

Example delete request response:

    "uuid": "UUID",
    "message": "Your media was successfully deleted."

Edit Player

The true power of Moovatom's streaming service becomes apparent only after you've placed a video on your site through their iframe code. But sometimes you need a little more control over how your video plays and what it looks like. This is where the edit_player() action method comes in. There are 17 attributes you can control through the API (shown here with their default values):

height: 480
width: 720
auto_play: False
sharing_enabled: True
show_hold_image: True
show_watermark: True
watermark_opacity: 0.8
background_color: #000000
duration_color: #FFFFFF
buffer_color: #6C9CBC
volume_color: #000000
volume_slider_color: #000000
button_color: #889AA4
button_over_color: #92B2BD
time_color: #01DAFF

The edit_player() method accepts the same hash/block argument syntax as the other six action methods, however, it takes the hash you pass and merges those attributes into any previous ones supplied in the second hash passed to the initialize method. Since the @player instance variable is just an OpenStruct object you can set any of the attributes above manually, in a hash or through a block.

me.player.watermark = ""
me.player.watermark_url = ""
me.player.show_watermark = true

me.edit_player(width: "800", height: "500") do |me|
  me.player.time_color = "#12EBGG"

Since @player is implemented an an OpenStruct object it will create the attributes dynamically as you need them. This way only the attributes you wish to alter will be sent in your requests.

Media Search

The media_search() action method allows you to query the videos you've uploaded to and encoded on Moovatom's servers using search terms entered into the @search_term instance variable. A media_search request will POST the username, userkey and search_term instance variables from your MoovEngine object. The body of the Moovatom response will be similar to a details request:

me = 'USERNAME') do |me|
  me.userkey = 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j'
  me.search_term = 'dolphin'


Example media search request response:

    "result_count": "1",
    "user": "USERNAME",
    "results": [
            "uuid": "UUID",
            "title": "Dolphin Training",
            "summary": "How to train your dolphin like a pro.",
            "duration": "45.347",
            "media_type": "video",
            "embed_code": "EMBED CODE IFRAME FOR SMART SWITCHING",
            "iframe_target": "",
            "original_download": "",
            "versions": [
                    "name": "sample",
                    "type": "video/mp4",
                    "holdframe_download": "",
                    "thumbnail_download": "",
                    "holdframe_serve": "",
                    "thumbnail_serve": "",
                    "rtmp_stream": "rtmp://",
                    "http_stream": "",
                    "rtsp_stream": "rtsp://",
                    "download": ""
                    "name": "mobile",
                    "type": "video/mp4",
                    "holdframe_download": "",
                    "thumbnail_download": "",
                    "holdframe_serve": "",
                    "thumbnail_serve": "",
                    "rtmp_stream": "rtmp://",
                    "http_stream": "",
                    "rtsp_stream": "rtsp://",
                    "download": ""
                    "name": "mobile_large",
                    "type": "video/mp4",
                    "holdframe_download": "",
                    "thumbnail_download": "",
                    "holdframe_serve": "",
                    "thumbnail_serve": "",
                    "rtmp_stream": "rtmp://",
                    "http_stream": "",
                    "rtsp_stream": "rtsp://",
                    "download": ""
                    "name": "small",
                    "type": "video/mp4",
                    "holdframe_download": "",
                    "thumbnail_download": "",
                    "holdframe_serve": "",
                    "thumbnail_serve": "",
                    "rtmp_stream": "rtmp://",
                    "http_stream": "",
                    "rtsp_stream": "rtsp://",
                    "download": ""
                    "name": "medium",
                    "type": "video/mp4",
                    "holdframe_download": "",
                    "thumbnail_download": "",
                    "holdframe_serve": "",
                    "thumbnail_serve": "",
                    "rtmp_stream": "rtmp://",
                    "http_stream": "",
                    "rtsp_stream": "rtsp://",
                    "download": ""
                    "name": "large",
                    "type": "video/mp4",
                    "holdframe_download": "",
                    "thumbnail_download": "",
                    "holdframe_serve": "",
                    "thumbnail_serve": "",
                    "rtmp_stream": "rtmp://",
                    "http_stream": "",
                    "rtsp_stream": "rtsp://",
                    "download": ""

For more specific information about the Moovatom API please see the documentation.


Development of this gem was done on Ruby 1.9.2-p290, and has been tested up to 1.9.3-p286. I haven't tried it on Ruby 1.8.7, but you shouldn't be using 1.8.7 anyways. :-)

This gem uses Minitest, Turn and Fakeweb to implement specs for each of the above request methods, pretty colorized output and for mocking up a connection to the API.

The entire test suite is under the spec directory. The spec_helper.rb file contains the common testing code and gets required by each *_spec.rb file. There is one spec file (init_spec.rb) that tests the expected functionality related to initializing a new MoovEngine object. Each of the six action methods also has a single spec file dedicated to testing its expected functionality. All API requests are mocked through Fakeweb and the responses come from the files in the fixtures directory.

The Rakefile's default task is 'minitest', which will load and execute all the *_spec.rb files in the spec directory. So a simple call to rake on the command line from the project's root directory will run the entire test suite.

This is the first Ruby project in which I started from a TDD/BDD design perspective. If anyone has a problem with the tests or sees areas where I can improve please open an issue here so it can be discussed and everyone can learn a little. I really enjoyed creating tests that helped drive the design of the code. I'm sure there are PLENTY of areas in which I can improve.



  • Added support for the delete action method
  • Added support for the media_search action method
  • Updated documentation


MoovAtom is an online video conversion and streaming service. The service insulates your videos from competitor's ads or links to inappropriate content. It offers customizable players that support hot linkable watermarks in addition to stream paths to your own player so you can control your videos, and your brand, on your own terms. Streaming is supported to all Apple mobile devices as well as most Android and Blackberry platforms. A unique QR Code is generated for each video for use in advertisements, allowing your viewers to simply "scan and play" your content. Advanced analytics and metrics provide valuable incite into how your viewers are watching your videos. The MoovAtom servers support both FTP access and direct uploads so huge file sizes are easy to handle. MoovAtom makes it easy to protect your copyrights, the streaming servers provide unparalleled protection over other services using progressive downloads to a user's browser cache.

For more specific information about the Moovatom service please see their home page.