Mori is a lightweight Rails Engine built to handle authentication.
Mori was built with the intention of being easy to override, and easy to implement.
Mori is a Rails Engine tested against Rails 3.2+ and Ruby 1.9.3+
Include it in your Gemfile
gem 'mori'
bundle install
After your development database exists, run the generator
rails g mori:install
The generator does the following:
- Inserts Mori::User in your User model (or creates the User Model)
- Inserts Mori::Controller in your ApplicationController
- Creates a migration to add missing collumns, or create a new table.
Mori comes with configuration options. You can override defaults in config/initializers/mori.rb
Mori.configure do |config|
# Mori Default Configuration
config.from_email = ''
config.app_name = Rails.application.class.parent_name.humanize
config.allow_sign_up = true
config.dashboard_path = '/'
config.after_sign_up_path = '/'
config.after_logout_path = '/'
config.token_expiration = 14