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A Rubymotion Sidemenu Animator


 Project Readme


Custom animated sidemenu controller.

alt text ###Install

gem 'bureau', '>=0.1.9', git: 'git://github.com/pachun/bureau.git'


The constructor takes a hash that requires a :structure key:

brueau = Bureau::Bureau.new(structure: [])

The :structure key's value must be formatted correctly, or bureau will raise an error.


Simply put, it is an array of hashes, each of which represents a section in the sidemenu. So, the following would be valid to create a table consisting solely of section headers:

structure = [
  {title: "Section 1"},
  {title: "Section 2"},
  {title: "Section 3"},
Bureau::Bureau.new(structure: structure)


The section hashes in the structure key can have the :title and :drawers keys. Both are optional. :title's purpose is obvious and the value of the :drawers key should be an array of hashes, each of which represent a drawer in that section.


A drawer is a row and they have the following configurable keys:

:title :subtitle If set, these should obviously be strings.

:icon :accessory If set, these are both UIImage's, but :accessory can also be set to any one of the UITableViewCellAccessoryType constants.

:controller This should be set to some kind of UIViewController. When a drawer with a controller key is tapped, the active view switches to the controller's view and the menu animates shut. It's important to know that any controller you use for this must have the Bureau::Controller module mixed in so that anywhere within that controller you can call the :toggle_bureau method to animate open and shut the sidemenu. If you feel like polluting all your controllers with that method:

class UIViewController < UIResponder
  include Bureau::Controller

I didn't want to do that to you out of the box. That will apply the UINavigationControllers as well. Also, you can either set this key to a UIViewController class, or instance. If you set it to an instance, the same controller instance will be used every time the drawer is tapped. Likewise, if you tap a drawer with a Class controller, a new instance of that class is used each time it's tapped.

class UIViewController < UIResponder
  include Bureau::Controller

structure = [
    title:"Section 1",
    drawers: [
      {title: "Same View Controller", controller:UIViewController.new},
      {title: "New View Controller", controller:UIViewController},
bureau = Bureau::Bureau(structure: structure)

:target :action Having these keys is the alternative to using the :controller key. Instead of switching to a new view, when a row with a :controller key is tapped, a row with a target/action key pair just runs the specified method. I thought it may be useful for short About popups and such. Tapping one of these rows will not animate shut the sidemenu by default.

:completion If set, this drawer must have a controller. This key's value (should be a symbol) will be sent to the controller when sidemenu animations complete and the drawer's view is open.

:active This should be set to true for just one of the drawers. It specifies which drawer's controller's view will be shown first by default, and, if you set an active cell background color, which drawer will have that background color...

###Other Customizations In addition to the structure key, the initialization hash takes some optional parameters:

bureau = Bureau::Bureau.new(
  structure: structure,

  # these are all optional:
  state: :open, # defaults to :closed
  drawer_height: 30, # defaults to 50
  header_height: 50, # defaults to 60
  slide_width: 310, # defaults to 300
  slide_duration: 1.0, # defaults to 0.3
  status_bar_color: UIColor.redColor, # defaults to white
  drawer_separators: :none, # don't set this if you want UITableViewCellSeparators on
  active_cell_color: UIColor.purpleColor, # defaults to light gray
  drawer_font: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(14), # defaults to 12pt Helvetica Neue
  drawer_text_color: UIColor.greenColor, # defaults to black
  menu_scrolling: :yes, # defaults to :no
  has_shadow: :yes, # defaults to :no
  orientations: [1], # defaults to [1,3,4] (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIDevice_Class/Reference/UIDevice.html#//apple_ref/doc/c_ref/UIDeviceOrientation)

###Further Customization You can also subclass Bureau::Bureau and use the following hooks to customize cells and header views:

class MyBureau < Bureau::Bureau
  def customize(cell, in_section:section, row:row)
    cell.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor

  def customize_header_in_section(section)
    header = UIView.alloc.initWithFrame(CGRectMake(0,0,320,50))
    header.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor

The customize_header_in_section: method is called if you leave out the :title key in a section hash.

###Quick Note

If one of your drawer controllers is a UINavigationController, you have to mix Bureau::Controller into the UINavigationController class, and to toggle the side menu, you would then call:

def toggle

That's all. Feedback and pull requests appreciated.