Maml (rubyMotion HAML) lets you create UI elements using a haml-style tag#id.class_name syntax. Maml is best-friends-forever with the Pixate engine.
Maml (rubyMotion HAML) allows you to create UI elements with Haml syntax.
label = UI("")
# Equivalent to
label = UILabel.alloc.init
label.styleId = "buy"
label.styleClass = "green"
It accepts a hash of attributes that will be assigned to the element.
UI("label#buy", :frame => [[0,0],[100,0]], :text => "Hello")
Install gem
gem install motion-maml
In Gemfile
gem "motion-maml", '~> 0.1.1'
Supported elements
'action-sheet' => UIActionSheet,
'activity-indicator-view' => UIActivityIndicatorView,
'bar-button-item' => UIBarButtonItem,
'button' => UIButton,
'collection-view' => UICollectionView,
'collection-view-cell' => UICollectionViewCell,
'date-picker' => UIDatePicker,
'image-view' => UIImageView,
'label' => UILabel,
'navigation-bar' => UINavigationBar,
'page-control' => UIPageControl,
'picker-view' => UIPickerView,
'refresh-control' => UIRefreshControl,
'scroll-view' => UIScrollView,
'search-bar' => UISearchBar,
'segmented-control' => UISegmentedControl,
'slider' => UISlider,
'stepper' => UIStepper,
'switch' => UISwitch,
'tab-bar' => UITabBar,
'tab-bar-item' => UITabBarItem,
'progress-view' => UIProgressView,
'table-view' => UITableView,
'table-view-headerfooter-view' => UITableViewHeaderFooterView,
'text-field' => UITextField,
'text-view' => UITextView,
'toolbar' => UIToolbar,
'view' => UIView,
'web-view' => UIWebView,
'table-view-cell' => UITableViewCell