Mumsnet JWT Gem
This gem will be used for all api jwt token creation and verification
Please add to your gem file:
gem 'mumsnet_jwt'
The following Enviromental Variables Must be defined in order to use this gem.
Your .env file should look something like this
JWT_SECRETS=[{"client_id": "service_name","secret": "678910"}, {"client_id": "other_service_name","secret": "12345"}]
The JWT_SECRETS key is an array of client id's and their related secrets. By adding a client_id item to the json array you are granting whoever has those credentials access to your micro service
So the gem it's self is very basic but it needs to be a gem as it will be reused across our API projects.
Generating a basic token:
# => "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NfdG9rZW4iOiJkNmI3YmYwODE3NWZmOWQ5MjhiYmYxOTVmODEyYjc5ZDEzZDdkNmRhIiwiaXNzIjoiTXVtc25ldCBMaW1pdGVkIiwiZXhwIjoxNTMxNDc4MjI3fQ.Jxe_V3GbRnmg4uE1xtaBZkJodldr1OoQgRLRwEz0dpQ"
Generating a token with extra variables:
MumsnetJWT.tokenify(extra_payload: {user_id: 1})
Checking if a token is valid:
token = MumsnetJWT.tokenify
# => true
# => false
Retriving extra data:
token = MumsnetJWT.tokenify(extra_payload: {user_id: 1})
user_id = MumsnetJWT.decode_token(token: token, key: user_id)
# => 1
API Usage:
in a before_action :check_token
in your base api controller add a method like so
def check_token
head :unauthorized, content_type: 'text/html' unless MumsnetJWT.check_authorization_header(request.headers['Authorization'])
If you have a before action for a user specific function such as update_account you would need to use a before action like this:
def set_user_via_token
@user = User.find(MumsnetJWT.decode_token(token: request.headers['Authorization'].split(' ').last, key: 'user_id'))
rescue StandardError
head :unauthorized, content_type: 'text/html'
In order to run the tests just run the below command
You need the rspec installed on your computer. If you don't simply run
gem install rspec