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A ruby gem to communicate with MyTankInfo (mytankinfo.com)


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A simple Ruby gem for interacting with the MyTankInfo API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'my_tank_info'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install my_tank_info


Creating a Client

client = MyTankInfo::Client.new(api_key: ENV["MYTANKINFO_API_KEY"])

API Tokens

You must obtain an API token in order to use this gem. Tokens appear to last for 1 year before the expire.

Once the token is generated it should be stored for use on all subsequent API requests.

Practically speaking you'll need to store the username/password for then account you'd like to access so that you can periodically generate a new API token prior to expiration.

Alternatively you can have your code catch MyTankInfo::UnauthorizedError errors and use that as a sign that a new API token is needed.

This is also the only call you can perform without providing an :api_key to the client

client.generate_api_token(username:, password:)

Environmental API

# Return a list of all sitegroups for the account

# Active Alarms records be retrived either as a full list, or filtered by :site_id
# Will return empty if there are no active alarms
client.active_alarms.list(site_id: 123)

In addition to the defined parameters below you may also pass :report_start_date and :report_end_date as optional parameters to retrive records for a given timeframe

# Alarm History records be retrived either as a full list, or filtered by :site_id
client.alarm_history.list(site_id: 123)

# View Tank Leak Test Results for a site
# Will return empty if the site does not have line tank leak detection configured
client.tank_leak_results.list(site_id: 123)

# View Line Leak Test Results for a site
# Will return empty if the site does not have line leak detection configured
client.line_leak_results.list(site_id: 123)

# View Sensor Status Results for a site
# Will return empty if the site does not have Continuous In-Tank Leak Detection (CITLD), which is
# often referred to as CSLD or (Continuous Statistical Leak Detection)
client.csld_results.list(site_id: 123)

# View Sensor Status Results for a site
# Will return empty if the site does not have any sensors
client.sensor_status_results.list(site_id: 123)

Reconciliation API

You may also pass :report_start_date and :report_end_date as optional parameters to retrive records for a given timeframe

# reconciliation_period must be one of the following - :weekly, :ten_day, :monthly
client.tank_reconciliation_records.list(site_id: 123, reconciliation_period: :monthly)

This call returns a special collection object called TankReconciliationRecordCollection that gives you a number of convienience methods for accessing the data in a easily usable way:

collection = client.tank_reconciliation_records.list(site_id: 123, reconciliation_period: :monthly)


# returns a collection of TankReconciliationRecords

# this returns a collection of Tank objects
tanks = collection.tanks
tank = tanks.fist

tank.name # 1 - Unleaded
tank.product_name # Unleaded
tank.tank_number # 1
tank.capacity # 5000

# collection of TankReconciliationRecords belonging only to this tank

# returns TankReconciliationRecordSummary object which provides
# a number of calculations based upon the provided reconciliation_period

# evaluates associated reconciliation_records based upon the
# provided reconciliation_period to decide if tank has passed

# evaluates associated reconciliation_records based upon the
# provided reconciliation_period to decide if tank has failed
date = "2021-09-11T00:09:00-04:00" # date must match the standard MyTankInfo format (%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z)
client.tank_reconciliation_records.retrieve(site_id: 1, date: date, reconciliation_period: :monthly)

attrs = [
    id: "1368902",
    product_name: "E-10",
    start_date_time: "2021-09-16T02:00:00.0000000-05:00",
    end_date_time: "2021-09-17T02:00:00.0000000-05:00",
    tank_numbers: "1",
    start_volume: "7252",
    end_volume: "7936",
    deliveries_volume: "2004",
    sales_volume: "1319",
    water_height: "0"
client.tank_reconciliation_records.update(site_id: 1, date: date, reconciliation_period: :monthly, attributes: attrs)

Inventory API

# Will return a list of all sitegroups for the account, along with a host of additional data relating
# to corresponding sites and their current inventory and alarm status

# Tanks can be retrived either as a full list, or filtered by :site_id
client.tanks.list(site_id: 123)

# Will return a list all sites belonging to a sitegroup, along with a host of additional data relating
# each site's current inventory and alarm status
client.sitegroup_inventory_dashboards.list(sitegroup_id: 1)

# Returns daily inventory usage over the previous 4 weeks for a given tank
client.tank_daily_usage.list(tank_id: 1)

# Returns deliveries made to the given tank over a time period.
# Supports :report_start_date and :report_end_date parameters
client.tank_deliveries.list(tank_id: 1)

## To update a tank delivery, the folowing params are required in the update request
params = {
  start_date_and_time: "2021-08-10T11:48:00.0000000-04:00",
  start_gross: 500,
  stop_date_and_time: "2021-08-10T12:48:00.0000000-04:00",
  stop_gross: 600,
  delivery_net: 100,
  delivery_gross: 105,
  bol_number: "123"

client.tank_deliveries.update(tank_id: 1, delivery_id: 1, **params)

# Returns inventory readings for the given tank over a time period.
# Supports :report_start_date and :report_end_date parameters
client.tank_inventory.list(tank_id: 1)

# Returns recent inventory records for a tank (similiar to client.tank_deliveries.list)
# with an extra record indicating the estimated runout.

# The period of time over which the records are queried varies depending on how far out in the
# future the estimated runout is. But the results will contain inventory records from at least
# the last two days and at most the last 28 days.

client.tank_runout.list(tank_id: 1)

Admin API

Notification Contacts


# A list of all sites that the contact is setup to recieve notifications about
# Note: will be empty if contact is setup to recieve updates for all sites (default_contact_settings: 1)
client.notification_contacts.list_sites(contact_id: 1)

client.notification_contacts.retrieve(contact_id: 1)

# Updating and creating a NotificationContact record requires the following params
params = {
  first_name: "Kyle",
  last_name: "Keesling",
  email: "kyle@example.com",
  sms_phone: "555-555-5555",
  contact_method: 3, # 1 (SMS), 2 (Email), 3 (SMS & Email)
  is_active: true,
  default_contact_settings: 1 # 0 (None/No Sites), 1 (All Sites), 2 (Only Selected Sites)

client.notification_contacts.update(contact_id: 1, **params)


client.notification_contacts.delete(contact_id: 1)

Notification Rules

# Provides a list of all alarm/warning codes that rules can be defined for

# List all contacts associated with a rule
client.notification_rules.list_contacts(rule_id: 1)

# List all rules that have been defined for a given code
client.notification_rules.list(code_id: 1)

# Updating a rule requires that you pass along an array of the
# contacts who the rule should apply to as well as the prefereed
# contact method. isSuppressed will silence the rule without
# actually deleting it
params = {
  contacts: [
      contactId: 3110,
      contactMethod: 3 # 1 (SMS), 2 (Email), 3 (SMS & Email)
  isSuppressed: false

client.notification_rules.update(rule_id: 1, **params)

client.notification_rules.delete(rule_id: 1)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/kylekeesling/my_tank_info. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the MyTankInfo project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.