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A RabbitMQ-based web socket server & framework


< 3, >= 2.5.1
>= 1.2
< 5, >= 4.1.2
< 2, >= 1.2.4
 Project Readme


Myxi is a web socket server with a RabbitMQ backend to allow you to seemlessly communicate between server & client using a defined protocol. All messages are sent in JSON.

Messaging philosophy

There are two key messages with Myxi, an action and an event.


An action is sent from the client to the server. For example, when a client wants to subscribe to an object, they will send an action message along with details of the object they want to subscribe to. By default, only two actions are available Subscribe and Unsubscribe which allow a client to receive messages pushed to various channels by the server.


An event is sent from the server to the client. Events can be triggered in one of two ways:

  • Socket Events: The web socket server itself may sent events to an individual client. These are likely to be related to the client's specific connection or an error. For example, you'll receive a Welcome event whenever you connect to the server and Error events are sent whenever an issue arises.

  • Application Events: Alternatively, events are triggered by your application via RabbitMQ. These are the events which you will want to be using most frequently. You'll likely trigger these in your application when an object's state changes and you need to notify a series of clients.

Right... that's all you need to know to get started really.

Server-side Usage

You'll be needing a RabbitMQ backend to use Myxi. Fortunately, Viaduct has just added RabbitMQ support so you can easily get one of these online.


Just install by adding to your Gemfile.

gem 'myxi', '~> 1.0'

Setting up an exchange

An exchange is something that your application can send messages to and it will send them onwards to any clients who have subscribed to them. In your application you may have an exchange where you'll post every change to every widget. Then, whenever a widget changes you'll sent an event to the exchange along with a routing key which identifies which specific widget was changed.

Before you can do this though, you'll need to define the exchange and specify which users are permitted to subscribe to it.

Myxi::Exchange.add(:widgets) do |routing_key, user|
  if widget = Widget.find_by_id(routing_key.to_i)

In this example, I've added an exchange called widgets and defined a block which will be executed to determine if the user is able to subscribe to the routing key they have provided. This block must return a true or false value. More information about authentication is provided in a moment.

Sending events to exchanges

When your application wants to send an event, it just needs to a call the Myxi.push_event method along with some details of which exchange it should be sent to.

The push_event method accepts for arguments:

  • the exchange name
  • the routing key
  • the name of the event
  • a hash of additional parameters to sent

You can call this anywhere in your application. You may wish to add something like the below to an Active Record model.

after_save do
  if self.quantity_changed?
    Myxi.push_event('widgets',, 'WidgetQtyChanged', {:quantity => self.quantity})

Users can then subscribe to the widgets exchange with the appropriate routing key will then be notified of this change and can do with it what they wish.

You can include whatever string value you wish as the event name but I'd recommend sticking to simple characters like shown.


By default your Myxi web socket server will only accept requests from a client to Subscribe or Unsubscribe from an exchange. You can, however, add your own actions which will be available to clients to call over the web socket connection. You add actions in a similar way to exchanges.

Myxi::Action.add(:SayHello) do |session, payload|
  session.send('HelloThere', :time =>

In this example, I've added an action which will cause the server to reply to the client and say hello and provide the current server time. The session.send method is similar to the Myxi.push_event method from earlier however it will send a reply direct to the client for the session.


Anyone can connect to your web socket server so you need a mechanism to determine who is logged in. To allow users to login, you'll need to configure an action which the client can call once it has connected.

Myxi::Action.add(:Authenticate) do |session, payload|
  if user_session =['session_token'])
    session.auth_object = user_session.user
    session.send('Authenticated', :username => user_session.user.username)
    session.send('Error', :error => 'InvalidSessionToken')

Here we've added an action called Authenticate which expects to receive a user's session token. We then look this token up in our session table to verify it's valid and then set the session.auth_object to our user. All future calls to actions (including subscriptions) will now have access to this user. They will be logged in for duration of the session. We send messages back to the client to confirm the authentication was successful or an error if it wasn't.

You may also wish to implement a Deauthenticate action which sets it back to nil.

Starting the web socket server

To start the web socket server, you just need to run the server's run method. You may wish to just add a rake task to do this for your application.

task :start_web_socket_server => :environment do
  require 'my_myxi_actions'

The web socket server will listen on all interfaces on port 5005 however it will respect the MIXI_PORT and PORT environment variables (in that order) if they are provided. You can also pass options to the server when you initialize it.

server = => '8055', :bind_address => '')

Connecting to RabbitMQ with Bunny

By default, Myxi will manage it's own connection to RabbitMQ and will connect to the backend defined in the RABBITMQ_URL environment variable. If you would rather manage the connection yourself, you can create your own Bunny instance (or use an existing one). You can configure your own, as follows but by default you don't need to do this. Be sure to do this early in your application's start up process.

Myxi.bunny ="amqp://username:password@somehost/vhost")

Client-side Usage

You can connect to the web socket server itself using any web socket client that you wish. All messages are sent to/from the server encoded as JSON so you'll need to be able to decode/encode that too.


Your should connect your web socket client to your web socket server. For development, you can just point it straight to your local port but in production you may want to mount the socket server within your application's domain. In development, you'll connect to something like this:


As soon as you connect, you'll be sent a Welcome socket event message which will contain your session ID. You'll probably have no use for the session ID in reality but you never know - it may be useful if you wanted to implement a slightly different authentication scheme.


Sending action messages

To send action messages, you need to form the JSON and send it to the web socket server. An action message is very similar to event messages but with an action.

  • The action parameter is the name of the action.
  • The tag parameter can be any value you wish. Any subsequent socket event messages (such as errors or confirmation) which relate to this action will also include the same tag.
  • The payload is another hash which contains data which is needed for the action.

Using this technique, you can send whatever messages you wish to the server.

Subscribing & Unsubscibing from Exchanges

To subscribe to an exchange, you just send a Subscribe action along with the exchange and routing_key in the payload. If the subscription is successful, you'll receive a Subscribed socket event message. If not, you'll receive an error.

Unsubscribing is the same as subscibing. Just call the Unsubscribe method with the name of the exchange and the routing key which you want to unsubscribe from. As above, you'll receive an Unsubscribe socket event message when you have been unsubscribed.

When unsubscribing, you may optionally choose to exclude the routing key to unsubscribe from a whole exchange or exclude both exchange & routing key to unsubscribe from everything which has previously been subscribed to.


If an issue arises, you'll receive a socket event message with the Error plus some details of the error in the payload. For example:


Using the included javascript library

Myxi has a client library which you can use to talk to the Myxi backend


To install this, you just need to add it into your application's javascript file and the asset pipeline will take care of the rest of the installation. Just pop the following into app/assets/javascripts/ (or whatever file you have which is appropriate).

##= require myxi

In addition to this, you'll need to provide some config in your HTML views so you can tell the client how to connect to the web socket server. It's usually best to add a <meta> tag with this information.

<meta name='myxi-host' content='ws://localhost:5300'>


To connect, subscribe and send actions you can use the examples below (in Coffeescript)##

# Get the host address and create the web socket connnection. This will
# automatically attempt to connect to the server.
webSocketHost = $('[metaname=myxi-host]').attr('content')
webSocket = new Myxi.Connection(webSocketHost)

# Describe how you want to authenticate clients. This block will be executed
# whenever the server connects.
webSocket.authentication ->
  # When we receive a message saying we're authenticated, tell the web socket
  # that we've authenticated so it can continue with the post-connection tasks.
  webSocket.on 'Authenticated', -> webSocket.isAuthenticated()

  # Send the authentication
  sessionID = $('[metaname=myxi-session]').attr('content')
  webSocket.sendAction 'Authenticate', {'sessionID': sessionID}

# Subscribe to something
subscription = webSocket.subscribe('myChannel', 1234)
subscription.on 'someEvent', (payload, tag)->
  console.log "Got some event for myChannel 1234"

# Unsubscribe

# Find a subscription object which you've lost but is still connected
subscription = webSocket.subscriptions["myChannel::1234"]

# Sending actions
webSocket.sendAction('SayHello', {name: 'Adam'})

# Listening for events
webSocket.on 'Hello', (payload, tag)->
  console.log "The server said hello"

# Other global events which can be listened to
webSocket.on 'SocketConnected'
webSocket.on 'SocketDisconnected'
webSocket.on 'SocketMessageReceived'
webSocket.on 'SocketAuthenticated'

Server Disconnections

If the web socket server disconnected unexpectedly, the client will automatically attempt to reconnect every 5 seconds. When the client connects again, it will automatically attempt to re-authenticate and subscribe to all the channels that it was subscribed to when it disconnected.