Another way to run your Screw.Unit tests.
To build the gem, run this:
gemify -IABOUT
Still really early. To try it, run this:
./bin/screwdriver spec/fixtures/suite.htmlYou can specify a browser like so:
screwdriver spec/fixtures/suite.html —browser SafariBy default, Screw.Driver uses Firefox.
If you don’t want the server to automatically quit after
your suite runs, you can use the “—server” option:
Screw.Driver will generate urls for each of the external
scripts and CSS links you include in your suite.html file,
and will serve them from the directory that contains the
suite.html file.
To specify additional load paths for your JavaScripts, you can
use the “—load-paths” option:
Using with Rails
If you’re using Rails, run screwdriver from the root directory
of your app, and specify the “—rails” option. This will cause
the Screw.Driver server to serve the JavaScript files in your
public/javascripts directory. Example:
- sinatra
- hpricot
- gemify (to build)
- Inject base tag into DOM at Hpricot parsing stage
- Convert script src attributes to absolute paths at Hpricot parsing stage
- Don’t kill all Firefox tabs when complete
- Use #load_paths for Rails functionality