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Navigation Generation


~> 1.3
>= 0
~> 2.0


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Navigation generation for Rails and Sinatra.


Add gem "navigatrix" to your Gemfile and run bundle install.

The Simplest Possible Navigation

<%= render_navigation({
  "Home"     => "/",
  "About Us" => "/about-us",
  "Blog"     => "/blog",
  "Contact"  => "/contact"
}) %>

Assuming we're on the "/about-us" path, the resulting HTML will look like this:

  <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
  <li class="active">About Us</li>
  <li><a href="/blog">Blog</a></li>
  <li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>

A More Sophisticated Configuration

<%= render_navigation({
  "Home" => "/",
  "Users" => {
    :path   => "/users",
    :active_states => [
      {:path => "/my_account"},
      {:path  => /\/users\/\d*/},
  "Sign In" => {
    :path   => "/sign_in",
    :render? => !user_signed_in?
  "Sign Out" => {
    :path   => "/sign_out",
    :render? => user_signed_in?
}, {
  :item => {
    :active_class => "active-nav-item"
  :list => {
    :html_attributes => {
      :class => "nav"
}) %>

Assuming we're on the "/users/1" path, and a User is signed in, the resulting HTML will look like this:

<ul class="nav">
  <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
  <li class="active-nav-item"><a href="/users">Users</a></li>
  <li><a href="/sign_out">Sign Out</a></li>

The "Users" item is active and not linked because the path "/users/1" matches the pattern /\/users\/\d*/. The "Home" item is linked because we are not on the path "/".

List Configuration Options

List configuration options are supplied via the :list option when rendering a navigation. For example,

render_navigation(config, {
  list: {
    html_attributes: {
      class: "nav"

A list accepts the following configuration options:


HTML attributes added to an the list.

List Item Configuration Options

List item configuration options can be supplied to all list items or a single list item. Supply options to a single list item via the navigation configuration.

  "Home" => {
    path: "/",
    active_class: "home-active"

The following options are supported.


Specifies where the navigation item should link to.


An array of state specification hashes used to control when a list item is considered "active". By default, when an item is active, it receives an HTML class of "active". For example:

active_states: [
  {controller: "users", actions: ["index"]},
  {path: "/my-account"}

The first state specification dictates that the item will be active when the current controller is the UsersController and the current controller action is index. If we wanted the item to be active for any UsersController action, the specification should be {controller: "users"}.

The second state specification dictates that the item will be active with the current path is "/my-account". :path can be a string or regular expression.


Also an array of state specification hashes (like :active_states). The state specifications determine if the item should be linked. By default, the item is unlinked if the current path is the same as the item path. The :unlinked_states option can be used to override this behavior.


HTML attributes added to an item.

  "Item 3" => {
    :path => "/item_path"
    :html_attributes => {:id => "nav-3"}

Results in the following HTML.

<li id="nav-3"><a href="item_path">Item 3</a></li>

Used for creating nested navigations. The :children should contain a navigation configuration.

"Parent" => {
  :path => "/parent_path",
  :children => {
    "Child 1" => "/child_1_path",
    "Child 2" => {
      :path => "/child_2_path",
      :children => {
        "Grandchild" => "/grandchild_path"

Results in the following HTML.

    <a href="/parent_path">Parent</a>
      <li><a href="/child_1_path">Child 1</a></li>
        <a href="/child_2_path">Child 2</a>
          <li href="/grandchild_path">Grandchild</li>

Determines if the navigation item is rendered.

Supplying options to all list items

List configuration options are supplied via the :item option when rendering a navigation. For example,

render_navigation(config, {
  item: {
    active_class: "active-item"

Supported options are:


Determines which HTML class is applied to list items when the item is active.


Determines which HTML class is applied to list items when the item is not active.

active_class, inactive_class, html_attributes.

Building Custom List Renderers

To change the default list rendering from <ul> tags to <section> tags with an id of "nav", create a custom list renderer:

Navigatrix.register_list_renderer(:my_custom_list) do |renderer|
  renderer.wrapper do |items, html_attributes|
    content_tag(:section, items, html_attributes.merge_attribute(:id, "nav"))
<%= render_navigation({
  "Home"     => "/",
  "About Us" => "/about-us",
}, {
  list: {renderer: :my_custom_list}
}) %>

Building Custom Item Renderers

If the basic list and and item configuration, custom renders can be registered.

For example, to add change the default item rendering from <li> tags to <p> tags, create a custom item renderer:

Navigatrix.register_item_renderer(:my_custom_item) do |renderer|
  renderer.wrapper do |content, children, html_attributes|
    content(:p, content + children, html_attributes)
<%= render_navigation({
  "Home"     => "/",
  "About Us" => "/about-us",
}, {
  item: {renderer: :my_custom_item}
}) %>

All item rendering options

wrapper - wraps item content - accepts content, children, html_attributes

linked - content when the item is linked - accepts name, path

unlinked - content when the item is not linked - accepts name, path

html_attributes - HTML attributes for the item

children_options - attributes passed to the child list

About Foraker Labs

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Foraker Labs builds exciting web and mobile apps in Boulder, CO. Our work powers a wide variety of businesses with many different needs. We love open source software, and we're proud to contribute where we can. Interested to learn more? Contact us today.

This project is maintained by Foraker Labs. The names and logos of Foraker Labs are fully owned and copyright Foraker Design, LLC.