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Common shared deployment recipes for your pleasure.


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ninja-deploy¶ ↑

Common shared deployment recipes.

Assumptions¶ ↑

  • The user has local tasks to set up variables specfic to the deploying environment (ie. staging, production, etc.).

Database Recipes¶ ↑

Require the database recipes in your deploy.rb file:

require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/database'

dump¶ ↑


  • The user acting during the deployment must have permissions to dump the MySQL database.

To Local File¶ ↑

Dumps the contents of a remote database to a MySQL dump file, scp’s the file to /tmp directory.

cap production db:dump:to_local_file

To Local Database¶ ↑

Dumps the contents of a remote database to a MySQL dump file, scp’s the file to /tmp directory, loads the locally configured development database and deletes the local and remote dump files.

cap production db:dump:to_local_db


  • The configured local development user must have permission to load the database form a MySQL dump file.

To Staging Database¶ ↑

Dumps the contents of a remote database to a MySQL dump file, scp’s the file to /tmp directory of the staging server, loads the locally configured staging database and deletes the local and remote dump files.

cap production db:dump:to_staging_db


  • The configured staging user must have permission to load the database form a MySQL dump file.

  • The staging machine must be able to ssh to the host that is configured in the recipe.

Deploy Recipes¶ ↑

Require the deploy recipes in your deploy.rb file:

require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/deploy'

web:disable¶ ↑

Presents a maintenance page to visitors.

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "deploy:web:disable"

From Command-Line:

cap production deploy:web:disable REASON="hardware upgrade" UNTIL="12pm Central Time"

Log Recipes¶ ↑

Require the database recipes in your deploy.rb file:

require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/log'

tail¶ ↑

Tails the remote server’s log for the current environment.

cap production log:tail

Passenger Recipes¶ ↑

Require the passenger recipes in your deploy.rb file:

require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/passenger'

restart¶ ↑

Restarts Passenger.

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "passenger:restart"

From Command-Line:

cap production passenger:restart

sudo_restart¶ ↑

Restarts Passenger using sudo.

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "passenger:sudo_restart"

From Command-Line:

cap production passenger:sudo_restart

Sass Recipes¶ ↑

Include the Sass Rake tasks in your deploy.rb:

NinjaDeploy do
  mirror_rake_tasks :sass

Run Rake via Bundler, locally and/or remotely, using a configuration:

NinjaDeploy.local_rake_executable  = '/usr/bin/env bundle exec rake'
NinjaDeploy.remote_rake_executable = '/usr/bin/env bundle exec rake'

update¶ ↑

Generates the CSS files from the Sass files.

As Callback:

before "deploy:restart", "sass:update"

From Command-Line:

cap production sass:update

Thinking Sphinx Recipes¶ ↑

Require the thinking sphinx recipes in your deploy.rb file and include the Thinking Sphinx Rake tasks:

require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/thinking_sphinx'

NinjaDeploy do
  mirror_rake_tasks :thinking_sphinx

Run Rake via Bundler, locally and/or remotely, using a configuration:

NinjaDeploy.local_rake_executable  = '/usr/bin/env bundle exec rake'
NinjaDeploy.remote_rake_executable = '/usr/bin/env bundle exec rake'

configure¶ ↑

Generates the Thinking Sphinx configuration file from the sphinx.yml file.

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:configure"

From Command-Line:

cap production thinking_sphinx:configure

index¶ ↑

Builds the Sphinx index files.

From Command-Line:

cap production thinking_sphinx:configure

run¶ ↑

Stops Sphinx, if running, then starts Sphinx.

From Command-Line:

cap production thinking_sphinx:ts_run

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:ts_run"

start¶ ↑

Start Sphinx searchd daemon.

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:start"

stop¶ ↑

Stops Sphinx searchd daemon.

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:stop"

stop_using_previous_config¶ ↑

Stops thinking sphinx using the config file in the previous release. Useful when there is not a configuration file in the current release yet.

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:stop_using_previous_config"

restart¶ ↑

Stops and starts the Sphinx searchd daemon.

From Command-Line:

cap production thinking_sphinx:restart

rebuild¶ ↑

Stops the Sphinx searchd daemon, re-indexes and then starts the searchd daemon.

From Command-Line:

cap production thinking_sphinx:rebuild

shared_sphinx_folder¶ ↑

Create the folder in the shared directory to store the Sphinx files.

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:shared_sphinx_folder"

symlink to the folder in the shared directory to store the Sphinx files.

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "thinking_sphinx:symlink_sphinx_indexes"

Version Recipes¶ ↑

Require the version recipes in your deploy.rb file:

require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/version'

write¶ ↑

Writes a public/VERSION file to the remote server.

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "version:write"


  • branch_tag_or_sha_to_deploy variable

Whenever Recipes¶ ↑

Require the whenever recipes in your deploy.rb file:

require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/whenever'

update_crontab¶ ↑

Updates the crontab file using whenever.

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "whenever:update_crontab"

From Command-Line:

cap production whenever:update_crontab


  • application variable

RVM Recipes¶ ↑

Require the RVM recipes in your deploy.rb file:

require 'ninja_deploy/recipes/rvm'

trust_rvmrc¶ ↑

As Callback:

after "deploy:update_code", "rvm:trust_rvmrc"

From Command-Line:

cap production rvm:trust_rvmrc

Note on Patches/Pull Requests¶ ↑

  • Fork the project.

  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.

  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.

  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)

  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

License¶ ↑

Released under the MIT License.