Gem for tracking and managing application notifications for users. Just an abstraction of some common functionality.
It currently uses MongoDB as a datastore
Add the gem to your Gemfile
gem 'notificon'
Configure the data store
Notificon.setup do |config|
config.connection_profile = mongodb://server
You can also pass in a logger and cache for the gem to use
Notificon.setup do |config|
config.connection_profile = mongodb://.......
config.logger = Rails.logger
config.cache = Rails.cache
** TODO ** rake task for ensuring indexes
The core operations have been exposed as a class methods on the Notificon module
Recording a notification
Notificon.add_notification(username, item_url, item_text, actor, action, occured_at, item_id)
- username - The String identifying the user being notified
- item_url - A String url of the item notification relates to
- item_text - A String that describes the item
- actor - The String identifying the user that performed the action
- action - A Symbol representing the action that the actor performed
- occured_at - The Time the action was performed
- item_id - A String uniquely identifying the item the notification is for