NotifyOn is a Rails gem that generates automatic notifications as a result of changes on a model object. Another way to put this is if you want to let an end user know about something that was triggered by unrelated action in your code, this library will do that.
It supports email messages, along with third-party real-time delivery (via Pusher), while also storing each notification in your database so you can use, adjust, and display as you'd wish.
Documentation can be found in the wiki library. A good place to start is further down this page.
If you have questions, comments, ideas, or bug reports, please create an issue.
This project was built and is maintained by Mike Wille and Sean C Davis, and was made possible by Brilliant Chemistry.
Install Notify:
To install NotifyOn, add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'notify_on'
Then run the bundle command to install it.
$ bundle exec rails g notify_on:install
This adds the following to your project:
- Migration to create the
table - Default NotifyOn config
- Bulk notification settings
Migrate your database and then you're ready to go.
There are two ways in which you can configure a notification:
Option 1 is the way to go when starting out. If you find that your configuration gets complicated within the model, you can move it out to option 2.
Check out the pages above to learn more about each method. Note that it is recommended you read through the model config first, as it outlines the options for a notification that may be used in bulk.
We'll go through an example implementation below...
Configure Model
Set what model is receiving notifications (E.g., the user...)
class User < ApplicationRecord
Add to your model the notify_on
notify_on :create, { to: :other_users, message: ‘{sender.first_name} sent you a message.’, email: { template: 'new_message’ } }
def other_users
See docs on notify_on for further details.
Provide better email messages
Add your corresponding mailer view: (See:
(Notice the partials for a shared header and footer. The model object that triggered the notification is passed in as @trigger.)
<% @message = @trigger %>
<%= render partial: "shared/mail/header" %>
<span class="preheader">
<%= truncate(@message.content.gsub(/[\n]+/, " "), length: 200) %>
<div style="color: #999;">-- Write ABOVE THIS LINE to post a reply or
<%= link_to “view this on [Your Site].”, chats_url( %> --
<div style="margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; line-height: 100% !important; background-color: #fff; margin-top: 15px;">
<p style="font-size: 14px">
<%= render partial: "shared/avatar", locals: {user: @sender, :size => :small} %>
<% if > 1 %>
<%= @sender.first_name %>
has replied:
<% else %>
<%= @sender.full_name %>
has sent you a message:
<% end %>
<%= markdown @message.filtered_content %>
<p style="font-size: 12px; color: #999">
There may be more messages sent since this one. Log in to [Your Site] with your account, '<%= %>'
to view them all. <%= link_to "Go there now.", chats_url( %>
<%= render partial: "shared/mail/footer" %>
Configuring In App Notifications
Lastly, configure so that if a user is logged in, they'll get a push notification in the browser instead of an email.
Verify settings in config/intializers/notify_on.rb
# Pusher enables you to send notifications in real-time. Learn more about
# Pusher at If you are going to use Pusher, you need to
# include the following values:
# config.pusher_app_id = 'my_app_id'
# config.pusher_key = 'my_key'
# config.pusher_secret = 'my_secret'
# Note: You may want to use environment-dependent values, not tracked by git,
# so your secrets are not exposed. You may choose to use Rails' secrets for
# this. For example:
config.pusher_app_id = Rails.application.secrets.pusher_app_id
config.pusher_key = Rails.application.secrets.pusher_key
config.pusher_secret = Rails.application.secrets.pusher_secret
# While you can configure your Pusher event in each "notify_on" call, you can
# also set your default configuration so you don't have to restate it for
# every notification.
config.default_pusher_channel = 'presence-{:env}-notification-{:recipient_id}'
config.default_pusher_event = 'new_notification'
# You can use Pusher by default (which requires the channel and event be set
# above). Uncomment the following setting to do so.
config.use_pusher_by_default = true
Setup Your UI (Notification List)
This part is very application specific.
BC has a menu icon that displays the number of unread notifications. Clicking or tapping on that shows a dropdown of the past X notifications, both read and unread.
Again this is very UI specific, but here is code and instructions to help.
- Communicate to the UI what channel to listen to for notifications.
<body data-notifications="<%= "presence-#{Rails.env.to_s.downcase}-notification-#{}" if user_signed_in? %>"
- Setup notifications if we are logged in:
<% if user_signed_in? %>
$(document).on('ready', function(){
if(window.usePusher == true) {
<% end %>
- Setup your Notification UI
This code will listen for new notifications (of type new_notification
;) ) from pusher. When it receives one, it will go back to the server
for the new dropdown menu list. It will also update the number of notifications shown in the red circle. (And display it if there were 0 unread before)
function initRealTimeNotifications() {
if(notifications.pusher == null) {
notifications.pusher = new Pusher('<%= Rails.application.secrets.pusher_key %>', {
encrypted: true
notifications.channelName = $('body').data('notifications'); = notifications.pusher.subscribe(notifications.channelName);'new_notification', function(data) {
// In case we've logged out since binding this event
if($('body').data('notifications') == notifications.channelName) {
// Update the reference to the list
// (This is the contents of the dropdown and you must provide an endpoint to render this.)
$.get('/notifications', function(notifications){
var focusedOnChat = false;
// If we are currently on
if (window.location.pathname == {
focusedOnChat = true;
} else if ($('#chat-window').length > 0) {
var urlSegments ='/'),
id = parseInt(urlSegments[urlSegments.length - 1]),
currentId = parseInt($('#chat-window').attr('data-chat'));
focusedOnChat = (currentId == id);
// If user is already on the right page, we're not going to animate the
// notification.
if(focusedOnChat && data.is_chat) {
// Hit the notification's link so it can be marked as read.
// Remove the unread icon.
$('.notification-list li > a > span.unread').first().remove();
} else {
// Update our unread notifications count
if($('#alert-icon').find('.notifications-flag').length == 0) {
$('#alert-icon').prepend('<span class="notifications-flag"></span>');
var unread = $('#notifications-list').attr('data-unread')
// Play the notification sound unless user is connected to a chat
// channel
if(chat.subscribedToChannel == null || != true) {
$('#notification-sound')[0].play(); // make sure this is present in the view
Add a sound file to your view.
<audio id="notification-sound" src="<%= audio_path('new-notification.mp3') %>" style="display:none;"></audio>
- Setup a Notification Controller
This handles three things (three routes):
- Rendering the dropdown menu of notifications.
- Handle redirecting someone who views a notification. At the same time, marking the notification as read when viewing it.
- Marking all notifications as unread.
class NotificationsController < ApplicationController
def index
if request.xhr?
render :layout => false
redirect_to dashboard_path
def show
if current_user.notifications.find_by_id(params[:id]).nil?
@notification = current_user.notifications.find_by_id(params[:id])!
if @notification.trigger.nil?
redirect_to root_path, :alert => 'Could not locate notification link.'
redirect_to, :only_path => true
def markread
current_user.notifications.unread.each { |notification|! }
redirect_to request.referrer || root_path
Set your routes:
get 'notifications/markread', :as => 'markread_notifications'
get '/notifications' => "notifications#index", :as => :notifications
get '/notifications/:id' => "notifications#show", :as => :notification
View for rendering list of notifications in menu:
<div id="notifications-list" data-unread="<%= current_user.notifications.unread.count %>">
<%= render 'list' %>
<ul class='notification-list'>
<% if current_user %>
<%= content_tag(:li, 'No Notifications') unless has_notifications? %>
<% recent_notifications.each do |n| %>
<li class="<%= 'unread' if n.unread? %>">
<%= link_to(notification_path(n)) do %>
<%= content_tag(:span, '', :class => 'icon unread') if n.unread? %>
<% if n.sender.present? && n.sender.avatar.present? %>
<%= render partial: "shared/avatar",
locals: { user: n.sender, size: "small" } %>
<% end %>
<span class='description'><%= n.description %></span>
<span class='when'><%= time_ago_in_words n.created_at %> ago.</span>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if unread_notifications.present? %>
<li class='mark-as-read-button'>
<a href='<%= markread_notifications_path %>' method='post'>
Mark all as read!
<% end %>
<% end %>
(There is an assumption here about having an avatar
property for the user's image.)
Setup Your UI (Single Red Dot)
This part is very application specific.
If you are not displaying a list of past notifications, but maybe focusing just on one type of notification, say chat. You can place a red span with the number of unread chats inside of it.
Again this is very UI specific, but here is code and instructions to help.
- Communicate to the UI what channel to listen to for notifications.
<body data-notifications="<%= "presence-#{Rails.env.to_s.downcase}-notification-#{}" if user_signed_in? %>"
- Setup notifications if we are logged in:
<% if user_signed_in? %>
$(document).on('ready', function(){
if(window.usePusher == true) {
<% end %>
- Setup your Notification UI
This code will listen for new notifications (of type new_notification
;) ) from pusher. When it receives one, it will go back to the server
for the new dropdown menu list. It will also update the number of notifications shown in the red circle. (And display it if there were 0 unread before)
function initRealTimeNotifications() {
if(notifications.pusher == null) {
notifications.pusher = new Pusher('<%= Rails.application.secrets.pusher_key %>', {
encrypted: true
notifications.channelName = $('body').data('notifications'); = notifications.pusher.subscribe(notifications.channelName);'new_notification', function(data) {
// In case we've logged out since binding this event
if($('body').data('notifications') == notifications.channelName) {
var focusedAlready = false;
// If we are currently on the notification's object's page, don't show the UI
if (window.location.pathname == {
focusedAlready = true;
} else if ($('#chat-window').length > 0) {
var urlSegments ='/'),
id = parseInt(urlSegments[urlSegments.length - 1]),
currentId = parseInt($('#chat-window').attr('data-chat'));
focusedAlready = (currentId == id);
// If user is already on the right page, we're not going to display the
// notification.
if(focusedAlready && data.is_chat) {
} else {
// Update our unread notifications count
if($('#alert-icon').find('.notifications-flag').length == 0) {
$('#alert-icon').prepend('<span class="notifications-flag"></span>');
// Play the notification sound unless user is connected to a chat
// channel
if(chat.subscribedToChannel == null || != true) {
Add a sound file to your view.
<audio id="notification-sound" src="<%= audio_path('new-notification.mp3') %>" style="display:none;"></audio>