A ruby wrapper for the NUSModsAPI (v0.0.4)
This gem is not maintained by the creator of NUSMods.
NUSModsAPI repository: https://github.com/nusmodifications/nusmods-api
gem install nusmods
or add this line into your Gemfile
gem 'nusmods'
then, run bundle install
Changes in 0.0.4
- Switched Faraday to HTTParty.
require 'nusmods' # => true
client = NUSMods::Client.new # => #<NUSMods::Client:0x007f85928efb10 @base_url="http://api.nusmods.com/">
All methods are set to retrieve the current AY's records if you do not provide any parameters for year or semester.
Every response is either an Array
or a Hash
=> ["ModuleCode", "ModuleTitle", "Department", "ModuleDescription",
"ModuleCredit", "Workload", "Prerequisite", "Preclusion", "ExamDate", "Types",
"Lecturers", "IVLE", "Timetable", "CorsBiddingStats", "LecturePeriods",
Faculty Departments
Retrieves the list of faculty departments/sub-departments in a Hash
client.get_faculty_departments(year = 2014, semester = 1)
# => {"Arts & Social Sciences"=>["Centre For Language Studies", "Chinese Studies", "Communications And New Media", "Dean's Office (Arts & Social Sc.)", ...
Lesson Types
Retrieves a list of the types of lessons in a Hash
. This API call is not tied to a
specific AY or semester.
# => {"DESIGN LECTURE"=>"Tutorial", "LABORATORY"=>"Tutorial", "LECTURE"=>"Lecture" ...
Module codes
Retrieves a list of all module codes offered in the semester in an Array
client.get_module_codes(year = 2014, semester = 1)
# => ["ACC1002", "ACC1002X", "ACC2002", "ACC3601", "ACC3602", ...
Module codes with names
Retrieves a list of all module codes accompanied by their names in an Array
client.get_module_codes_with_names(year = 2014, semester = 1)
# => {"ACC1002"=>"Financial Accounting", "ACC1002X"=>"Financial Accounting", "ACC2002"=>"Managerial Accounting" ...
Module details
Retrieves all information about a specific module in a Hash
client.get_module_details("MA1101R", year = 2014, semester = 1)
# => {"ModuleCode"=>"MA1101R", "ModuleTitle"=>"Linear Algebra I", "Department"=>"Mathematics", ...
All modules
Retrieves all information about every module in an Array
Note: This retrieves a large dataset, so it will take a while. It is highly
suggested that you download a copy from the API directly and store it locally.
client.get_modules(year = 2014, semester = 1)
# => [{ "ModuleCredit" => "4", "ModmavenTree" => { "name" => "ACC1002", "children" => [] }, "LockedModules" => [ "FIN3113", "ACC2002", "IS5116", "FIN2004", ...
For exact response examples or more details, see NUSMods API's README.
gem install rspec
rspec spec/nusmods.rb