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Makes it easy(er) to make an oauth provider.


>= 0
 Project Readme
- OAuth Provider library in Ruby

- 1) Getting the library setup
- 2) Creating a provider
- 3) Adding a consumer
- 4) Issuing a request token
- 5) Authorizing a request token
- 6) Upgrading a request token to an access token
- 7) Confirming access for an access token

- 1) Getting the library setup

You can currently only download the source and build a gem. 
It will be put on rubyforge once it is more feature-some. 

# git clone git://github.com/halorgium/oauth_provider.git
# rake package

- 2) Getting the library setup

Create a provider to allow you to interact issue request tokens etc. 
There are several backends to allow you to use this for real and in testing. 

The in-memory backend is best for testing, it allows you to not have the 
overhead of a database. 

# provider = OAuthProvider.create(:in_memory)

The DataMapper backend is currently the only real backend, you can provide a 
repository which will allow you to use a different database connection. 

# provider = OAuthProvider.create(:data_mapper, :some_oauth_repository)

- 3) Adding a consumer

To add a consumer to the provider, you need to provide a callback URL. 

# consumer = provider.add_consumer("http://myconsumer.com/token")

You should store the consumer shared key in your database so you can associate 
your users with the tokens they own. 

# Consumer.create("My Consumer", consumer.shared_key)

- 4) Issuing a request token

Now you can issue a request token, this will save the token for later access. 
You need to pass in the raw request object which your web framework uses and 
require the correct request-proxy. 

Rails (ActionController): 
# require 'oauth/request_proxy/action_controller_request'
# require 'oauth/request_proxy/jabber_request'
# require 'oauth/request_proxy/net_http'
Sinatra/Merb (Rack): 
# require 'oauth/request_proxy/rack_request'

Once that file is required, you can ask the provider to issue a token. 

# user_request = provider.issue_request(request)

You should save this token in your database to connect this token with a 
particular user. 

# current_user.tokens.create(:consumer_shared_key => user_request.consumer.shared_key,
#                                 :shared_key => user_request.shared_key)

This object allows you to access the query_string which should be returned 
to the consumer. 
This is the form: oauth_token=ABCDE&oauth_token_secret=SECRET123

# user_request.query_string

Now it is up to the consumer to redirect the user to your authorization 
screen. To locate the token which corresponds with the shared key (usually 
the 'oauth_token' parameter in the request) you need to 

- 5) Authorizing a request token

Once you have determined that the user wishes to authorize the request. You 
should display the consumer information to the user. 

An example ERB view might be: 

# <p>You are about to authorize <%= token.consumer.name %> to access your account %></p>
# <p>Do you want this to happen?</p>
# <p><a href="/authorize?oauth_token=<%= token.shared_key %>Authorize it</a>

At this point, you can also store any access control information to allow this 
consumer to perhaps only have read-access to the user's information. 

Then in the 'authorize' action you would tell the provider to authorize this 
request token and redirect back to the consumer callback URL. 

# user_request.authorize
# redirect_to user_request.callback

- 6) Upgrading a request token to an access token

Now that the request token is authorized by the user, the consumer can upgrade 
this token to an access token. 

# user_access = provider.upgrade_request(request)

If the request token is not yet authorized, an exception will be raised. The 
exception class is 'OAuthProvider::UserRequestNotAuthorized'. 

If the request token is authorized, the request token will be destroyed and 
a access token will be generated and returned. 

Now you can save this into your database. 

# token = current_user.tokens.find_by_shared_key(user_access.request_shared_key)
# token.update_attributes(:access => true, :shared_key => user_access.shared_key)

And return the query string back to the consumer

# user_access.query_string

- 7) Confirming access for an access token

At this point, the consumer should have a valid access token and can make API 
requests. You can ask the provider to confirm that the access token is valid. 

# user_access = provider.confirm_access(request)

Now you can find the user token which corresponds to the shared_key. 

# token = current_user.tokens.first(:access => true, :shared_key => user_access.shared_key)

You are now ready to respond to the API request as needed!