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Exposes your Rails.env as an object you can invoke methods on, use inheritance to structure, and otherwise use all modern powerful programming techniques on. In large projects, this can make an enormous difference in maintainability and reliability.


>= 0
~> 2.14


<= 4.99.99, >= 3.0
 Project Readme


Vastly improve maintainability of your Rails.env-dependent code by using object-oriented environments. Supports Rails 3.x and 4.x, running on Ruby 1.8.7 (3.x only), 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 2.0.0, and JRuby 1.7.4.

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What? Why?


class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def create_user_from_remote

    timeout = case Rails.env
    when 'development' then 10
    when 'test' then 300
    when 'qa', 'beta' then 30
    else 5

    Timeout::timeout(timeout) {



class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def create_user_from_remote
    Timeout::timeout(Rails.objenv.timeout_for_create_user_from_remote) {

You get:

  • Elegant encapsulation of environment settings: they're just methods on a class that you define.
  • All the power of Ruby to define those settings: inheritance, encapsulation, modules, delegation, and anything else you want.
  • Utter DRYness of your environment code: if the production and qa environments are almost the same, you have a single superclass that defines all the ways in which they're the same — and the Production and Qa subclasses override only the things that vary in those environments. (Want to know why QA is behaving differently from production? Just open up its environment file!)
  • Trivial maintenance of developer- or host-specific settings: if your login name is joe, create an environment users/joe_development.rb that subclasses development.rb, and override only what you want changed. And check it in. Now your fellow developers can refactor your changes along with everything else — and know why your machine behaves differently from everyone else's.
  • Easy creation of new environments: inherit from (or factor out a common superclass from) the environment that is most like your new one, and then override only what you need.
  • Wonderful behavior if you forget a setting: depending on the superclass, you'll get a reasonable default or a blindingly-obvious message about what you need to set, rather than an unintended and possibly-awful fallback.

Wait, what? Really, why?

In large Ruby systems, there is inevitably a lot of behavior that is environment-dependent — cache sizes, API keys, timeouts, debugging information, and so on. Rails' default environment mechanism does not accommodate such large projects particularly well, and often big maintenance headaches ensue.

The Theory

The way you are supposed to manage this is to create configuration points throughout your code, and set them in the environment files in config/environments:

class UsersController
  cattr_accessor :timeout_for_create_user_from_remote

  def create_user_from_remote
    Timeout::timeout(timeout_for_create_user_from_remote) {

And then, for example, in config/environments:

  UsersController.timeout_for_create_user_from_remote = 10
  UsersController.timeout_for_create_user_from_remote = 300
  UsersController.timeout_for_create_user_from_remote = 30
  UsersController.timeout_for_create_user_from_remote = 30
  UsersController.timeout_for_create_user_from_remote = 5

This does work. However, as you create more environments, you end up with more and more files that are almost always copy-and-pasted from each other, suffering many of the problems that Repeating Yourself causes. Can you be certain that whoever creates a new environment has carefully thought through every single setting? Can you be certain that, when a developer creates a new setting, they have carefully added it to every environment file? And when someone needs to change a default, they have to go edit every single environment file and carefully think about it. (Is QA's timeout set to 5 for a good reason, or just because it was copy-and-pasted from production's?)

Compared to the above, using objectified_environments gives you significant improvements in maintainability, extension, and reliability.

The Practice

In reality, unless your developers have incredible discipline, you very often end up with something different, like our first example above: code strewn all over your codebase, explicitly testing against Rails.env.

This is a disaster:

  • When someone adds a new environment, they need to search your entire codebase for tests against Rails.env (or RAILS_ENV, or ENV['RAILS_ENV']), sit and think about every single one, figure out what the right value for the new environment is, and insert it.
  • If someone misses a setting, then, depending on the exact syntax of the code in question (is there an else clause? does it use a default value, or raise an exception?), you might: get a reasonable value, get an exception that's clear, get an exception that's very unclear (maybe that variable just stays nil, and this causes problems far, far from the call site), or, worst of all, get silent failures that cause bad data in your database, bad pages or API results, or so on.
  • Do you want to know how QA and production differ? Go search the entire codebase again, and think about each one.

When code is built in such a way that it naturally tends to cause problems, blaming developers (we're creative! we're wonderful! we're lazy!) is the cheap way out. Let's build systems that make the easy way also the right way.

The Solution

objectified_environments simply instantiates a class named after your Rails.env setting and binds it to Rails.objenv. You can then add methods to those classes, make them inherit from each other, override methods in subclasses, use delegation, modules, and any other tools that Ruby gives you to make them behave appropriately. The result is an easy-to-maintain, powerful environment system that makes it easy to add new environments, figure out the differences between environments, and so on.


  1. In any supported Rails environment, add this to your Gemfile, and then run bundle install:

     gem 'objectified_environments'
  2. Run the generator:

     rails generate objectified_environments
  3. This will generate a hierarchy of classes in config/lib/objenv, as so:

     ObjectifiedEnvironments::Base         # this is built-in to the Gem
       Objenv::Environment                 # 'Objenv::' prefix is required for your classes
  4. If you have any environments beyond the standard three (development, test, and production) defined in config/environments, you'll also have classes defined for them. However, because the gem cannot know the proper superclass for them, they will all derive directly from the base Objenv::Environment class. Feel free to change this.


The only change this makes in your system is that now Rails.objenv will automatically be a reference to an instance of whatever class is named the same as your environment (using Rails' camel-casing conventions) in the Objenv:: namespace. This enables all the functionality above, but does not require any immediate changes.

As you introduce new features — or want to move existing ones to this system — simply add a method to one or more of these classes, and call it from your code via Rails.objenv.my_method. How you do this depends on the desired behavior of the code in question:

  • Reasonable default, needs to be overridden in some environments: Add the method to Objenv::Environment returning the right value or doing the right thing. Override it in whatever subclasses need a different value.
  • No reasonable default, needs to be defined in all environments: While you don't need to define the method on Objenv::Environment, doing so in such a way that raises an exception (the ObjectifiedEnvironments::Base#must_implement method will do this automatically for you) is a nice way to make it clear to other developers that they need to implement this method — and lets them instantly see what's going on if they forget to override it.

The LocalEnvironment and ProductionEnvironment classes: These classes are created by the generator for convenience' sake. Typically, the development and test environments have a lot in common. The generator sets up Development and Test to inherit from LocalEnvironment — so, if you put the code they have in common in LocalEnvironment, it will automatically be shared. And while Rails does not ship with a default qa, beta, or other such environment, these are incredibly common and almost always share a lot of code with production. Thus, ProductionEnvironment is created as a good place for this code.

Note that these are all simply suggestions; there is nothing more mysterious going on here than ordinary Ruby object-oriented structure. Do whatever works best for you. The generator sets up defaults that seem reasonable according to the author of this Gem, but the world is yours, and the Gem doesn't enforce any particular structure at all.

You may also wish to explore creating methods that actually do things, rather than simply returning configuration information. For example, having a method that returns the client object for Memcached can be very powerful, because now your environment can do anything it needs to do to set up that client — potentially returning a proxy for multiple servers, for example — rather than being restricted to only returning a single host and port.

User- and Host-Specific Environments

Often, developers want to override certain environmental behavior on just machines they're logged into. Sometimes, we want to change environmental behavior on only particular hosts. Typically this is done via some (gross) combination of leaving environment files modified, adding a new 'local environment' file and calling it from the end of the master environment file, or even automating this with patch, sed, or some other such tool.

No matter what system is used to do this, it has significant drawbacks — one of the biggest of which is that these 'local changes' are almost never visible to other developers. If you've changed MyController.user_cache_size on your machine, and then someone else renames it to MyController.people_cache_size, then at best your next pull breaks your development environment in a very frustrating way — and at worst, your cache-size change is now forever silently ignored.

objectified_environments provides a better way. If you are logged in as user acid_burn on a machine called the_gibson with Rails.env set to development, then the Gem will assign to Rails.objenv the first class that exists from the following list:


Thus, you can create Objenv::User::AcidBurnDevelopment as a subclass of Objenv::Development, override whatever settings you want, and check it in. Now, all other developers can see what you've overridden locally, cleanly change it for you if they're refactoring, and so on.

It is possible to tie yourself into insane knots by creating massive numbers of user-specific, host-specific, and (especially) user-and-host-specific overrides this way. We recommend keeping this extremely simple — but the power is there, if you need it.

Relationship with config/environments files

Because Rails still loads files in config/environments for each environment, you will need to keep those files there and create them for any new environments you make, in addition to Objenv:: classes — Rails really doesn't like not having one. (A patch that eliminates this requirement would be fantastic!)

Also, the configuration done in these files is not automatically subsumed by objectified_environments. If you wish (and it's highly recommended), you can move this code into the objectified environments, call it from the files in config/environments, and refactor it in any way you want. (The generator doesn't move this code automatically because the files in config/environments can contain any arbitrary Ruby code that's structured in any manner you want, and doing this safely borders on the impossible.)

A Few Last Details:

  • Once you install this gem, having an Objenv:: class defined that matches your Rails.env setting is mandatory. This is required because otherwise we would have no idea what object to assign to Rails.objenv.
  • The Objenv:: namespace prefix requirement is so that environment names won't conflict with any classes of your own that you define with these names. (If you want to create a class called Development for other purposes, we don't want to stop you.)
  • There is no requirement that your classes inherit from ObjectifiedEnvironments::Base; they can be any kind of Ruby object. They must be able to be instantiated with either no arguments, or one argument; if the constructor accepts an argument, it will be passed a hash containing :rails_env, :user_name, and :host_name. ObjectifiedEnvironments::Base stores this away and exposes it via private methods. (The fact that they're private is important; having you call Rails.objenv.rails_env subverts the entire system.)
  • There is actually no requirement that your environment classes live under config/lib; this is merely a convention. As long as Rails is able to find them using its autoloading behavior, they will work just fine.
  • ObjectifiedEnvironments::Base defines a nice must_implement method that simply raises an exception, saying you must implement a method. This is a nice thing to call in methods you define in Environment that have no reasonable default.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

While I thoroughly encourage any and all contributions, ideas, bug reports, bug fixes, and so on, I do request that you include full tests (specs) in your patch if you do contribute a patch back.


This code is licensed under the terms in the accompanying LICENSE file.