Oblique Strategies by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt in terminal CLI.
Even before I knew how to code something, I had that dream idea to put an OBS deck (which I do not have) into the computer to randomly draw a card and also add my own cards to the deck. A couple of days ago, I remembered that I wanted to make that project, and now here it is—it's alive!
You'll need Ruby, of course, Bundler, and knowledge of how to run programs from the terminal (Google if you have not; it'll take no more than 15 minutes).
Download the code as a zip file. Go to the downloaded directory from the terminal:
$ cd obs-deck
Run inside the terminal:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install obs_deck
Run inside the terminal:
$ obs_deck
Then it should be pretty straightforward.
I've used all the strategies from ptigas/oblique-strategies. Then I cleaned them up by script and by hand.
If you want a more accessible way to use Oblique Strategies from anywhere in your terminal, then you'll be better off installing this gem: nodanaonlyzuul/oblique_strategies
Also, when I viewed the source code for how Oblique Strategies was implemented, I got hooked on using it, modifying it, and creating my own first gem so I can use my OBS deck from the terminal too.