#Overview A Service Gateway to the omdb api. Adds support for failure or success detection, query simplification
For the full format of the Hashes returned by this api please review the source documenation here: http://www.omdbapi.com/
The plan is to support caching via the faraday stack but this is not implemented yet
##Install the gem
gem install omdbgateway
##Use it in your gemfile
gem "omdbgateway"
##Title Search
Returns a OMDBGateway::ResponseWrapper for a single item (chosen by OMDB) as a Hash
# Retrieves a single movie or show based on its title.
# @param title [String] The title of the movie or show.
# @param year [String] The year of the movie or show.
# @param full_plot [Boolean] Full Plot data (default: false)
# @return [OMDBGateway::ResponseWrapper]
# @example
# title_search('Game of Thrones')
def title_search(title, year = nil, full_plot = false, tomatoes = false)
require 'omdbgateway'
OMDBGateway.gateway.title_search('Star Wars').body
=> {"Title"=>"Star Wars", "Year"=>"1983", "Rated"=>"N/A", "Released"=>"01 May 1983", "Runtime"=>"N/A", "Genre"=>"Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi", "Director"=>"N/A", "Writer"=>"N/A", "Actors"=>"Harrison Ford, Alec Guinness, Mark Hamill, James Earl Jones", "Plot"=>"N/A", "Language"=>"English", "Country"=>"USA", "Awards"=>"N/A", "Poster"=>"N/A", "Metascore"=>"N/A", "imdbRating"=>"7.3", "imdbVotes"=>"292", "imdbID"=>"tt0251413", "Type"=>"game", "Response"=>"True"}
OMDBGateway.gateway.title_search('Star Wars').body.class
=> Hash
##Free Text Search
Returns a OMDBGateway::ResponseWrapper for an array of items (order chosen by OMDB) based on your search as Hashes
each with Title, Year, imdbID and Type fields
# Retrieves a movie or show based on its title.
# @param q [String] The search string
# @return [OMDBGateway::ResponseWrapper]
# @example
# free_search('Game')
def free_search(q)
=> #<OMDBGateway::ResponseWrapper:0x00000102167440 @http_status=200, @body=[{"Title"=>"Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi", "Year"=>"1983", "imdbID"=>"tt0086190", "Type"=>"movie"}, {"Title"=>"Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast", "Year"=>"2002", "imdbID"=>"tt0297410", "Type"=>"game"}, {"Title"=>"Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast", "Year"=>"2002", "imdbID"=>"tt0297410", "Type"=>"game"}, {"Title"=>"Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast", "Year"=>"2002", "imdbID"=>"tt0297410", "Type"=>"game"}, {"Title"=>"Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy", "Year"=>"2003", "imdbID"=>"tt0362179", "Type"=>"game"}, {"Title"=>"Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II", "Year"=>"1997", "imdbID"=>"tt0160910", "Type"=>"game"}, {"Title"=>"From 'Star Wars' to 'Jedi': The Making of a Saga", "Year"=>"1983", "imdbID"=>"tt0295270", "Type"=>"movie"}, {"Title"=>"The Wrong Jedi", "Year"=>"2013", "imdbID"=>"tt2628854", "Type"=>"episode"}, {"Title"=>"Bombad Jedi", "Year"=>"2008", "imdbID"=>"tt1322836", "Type"=>"episode"}, {"Title"=>"Jedi Junkies", "Year"=>"2010", "imdbID"=>"tt1662514", "Type"=>"movie"}], app_failedfalse
=> [
{"Title"=>"Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi",
{"Title"=>"Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast",
{"Title"=>"Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast",
{"Title"=>"Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast",
{"Title"=>"Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy",
{"Title"=>"Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II",
{"Title"=>"From 'Star Wars' to 'Jedi': The Making of a Saga",
{"Title"=>"The Wrong Jedi",
{"Title"=>"Bombad Jedi",
{"Title"=>"Jedi Junkies",
Find By Id
Returns a OMDBGateway::ResponseWrapper for a single movie as a Hash with all available fields
# Retrieves a movie or show based on its IMDb ID.
# @param imdb_id [String] The IMDb ID of the movie or show.
# @param full_plot [Boolean] Full Plot data (default: false)
# @return [OMDBGateway::ResponseWrapper]
# @example
# find_by_id('tt0944947')
def find_by_id(imdb_id, full_plot = false, tomatoes = true)
"Title"=>"Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast",
"Released"=>"29 Mar 2002",
"Genre"=>"Action, Adventure, Fantasy",
"Writer"=>"Kenn Hoekstra (manual), Michael Stemmle (script)",
"Jeff Bennett, Mark Klastorin, Billy Dee Williams, Vanessa Marshall",
"You guide mercenary Kyle Katarn, who must stop the evil plot of a renegade Jedi by relearning his skills as a Jedi Knight.",
Error States
# An failed request, returns false for success?
=> false
# An successful request, returns true for success?
=> true
If you need to know if the app (The omdbapi.com service) was successfully called and then failed or succeeded to successfully process the input then use app_success?
# An failed request, returns false for app_success?
=> false
# An successful request, returns true for app_success?
=> true
If you need to know if the transport failed, use http_success?
#Transport succeeded but the app returned a failure
=> true
Result Pruning
Sometimes you don't want the whole result body, you just want a single tag or index
#All the data
=> {"Title"=>"Bombad Jedi", "Year"=>"2008", "Rated"=>"N/A", "Released"=>"N/A", "Runtime"=>"22 min", "Genre"=>"Animation, Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi", "Director"=>"Dave Filoni", "Writer"=>"George Lucas, Steven Melching", "Actors"=>"Anthony Daniels, Ahmed Best, Catherine Taber, Matthew Wood", "Plot"=>"Padmé Amidala travels to Rodia to meet with old family friend Onaconda Farr about the lack of food rations...", "Language"=>"N/A", "Country"=>"N/A", "Awards"=>"N/A", "Poster"=>"http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM0NjQ2Mjk0OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODQ3Njc3Mg@@._V1_SX300.jpg", "Metascore"=>"N/A", "imdbRating"=>"6.8", "imdbVotes"=>"265", "imdbID"=>"tt1322836", "Type"=>"episode", "Response"=>"True"}
#Just the Poster value
=> "http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM0NjQ2Mjk0OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODQ3Njc3Mg@@._V1_SX300.jpg"
#Just the 2nd result
=> {"Title"=>"Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast", "Year"=>"2002", "imdbID"=>"tt0297410", "Type"=>"game"}
prune_xxx chaining
If needed prune methods can be chained
=> "2002"
prune_xxx default
If needed a default value can be specified, used if the key does not exist
OMDBGateway.gateway.free_search('Jedi').prune_array(1).prune_hash('Axiom', 123).body
=> 123
#History Note is a faraday rewrite of Casey Scarborough's omdbapi
Not that there's anything wrong with what he did, I just wanted to try faraday and we're using OMDB in our class