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OmniAuth strategy for EveOnline SSO



 Project Readme

OmniAuth EveOnline SSO

Gem Version

Eve Online OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'omniauth-eve_online-sso'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install omniauth-eve_online-sso


Configure omniauth for use new strategy:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :eve_online_sso,
    scope: "publicData"

Note: scopes should be separated by spaces. E.g. 'esi-fleets.read_fleet.v1 esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1'.


Scope Description
publicData Allows access to public data.
esi-alliances.read_contacts.v1 Allows reading of an alliance's contact list and standings
esi-assets.read_assets.v1 Allows reading a list of assets that the character owns
esi-assets.read_corporation_assets.v1 Allows reading of a character's corporation's assets, if the character has roles to do so.
esi-bookmarks.read_character_bookmarks.v1 Allows reading of a character's bookmarks and bookmark folders
esi-bookmarks.read_corporation_bookmarks.v1 Allows reading of a corporations's bookmarks and bookmark folders
esi-calendar.read_calendar_events.v1 Allows reading a character's calendar, including corporation events
esi-calendar.respond_calendar_events.v1 Allows updating of a character's calendar event responses
esi-characters.read_agents_research.v1 Allows reading a character's research status with agents
esi-characters.read_blueprints.v1 Allows reading a character's blueprints
esi-characters.read_chat_channels.v1 Allows reading a character's chat channels
esi-characters.read_contacts.v1 Allows reading of a characters contacts list, and calculation of CSPA charges
esi-characters.read_corporation_roles.v1 Allows reading the character's corporation roles
esi-characters.read_fatigue.v1 Allows reading a character's jump fatigue information
esi-characters.read_fw_stats.v1 Allows reading of a character's faction warfare statistics
esi-characters.read_loyalty.v1 Allows reading a character's loyalty points
esi-characters.read_medals.v1 Allows reading a character's medals
esi-characters.read_notifications.v1 Allows reading a character's pending contact notifications
esi-characters.read_opportunities.v1 Allows reading opportunities of a character
esi-characters.read_standings.v1 Allows reading a character's standings
esi-characters.read_titles.v1 Allows reading titles given to a character
esi-characters.write_contacts.v1 Allows management of contacts Allows reading a characters aggregated statistics from the past year.
esi-clones.read_clones.v1 Allows reading the locations of a character's jump clones and their implants.
esi-clones.read_implants.v1 Allows reading a character's active clone's implants
esi-contracts.read_character_contracts.v1 Allows reading a character's contracts
esi-contracts.read_corporation_contracts.v1 Allows reading a corporation's contracts
esi-corporations.read_blueprints.v1 Allows reading a corporation's blueprints
esi-corporations.read_contacts.v1 Allows reading of a character's corporation's contacts, if the character has roles to do so.
esi-corporations.read_container_logs.v1 Allows reading of a corporation's ALSC logs
esi-corporations.read_corporation_membership.v1 Allows reading a list of the ID's and roles of a character's fellow corporation members
esi-corporations.read_divisions.v1 Allows reading of a character's corporation's division names, if the character has roles to do so.
esi-corporations.read_facilities.v1 Allows reading a corporation's facilities
esi-corporations.read_fw_stats.v1 Allows reading of a corporation's faction warfare statistics
esi-corporations.read_medals.v1 Allows reading medals created and issued by a corporation
esi-corporations.read_standings.v1 Allows reading a corporation's standings
esi-corporations.read_starbases.v1 Allows reading of a character's corporation's starbase (POS) information, if the character has roles to do so.
esi-corporations.read_structures.v1 Allows reading a character's corporation's structure information
esi-corporations.read_titles.v1 Allows reading of a character's corporation's titles, if the character has roles to do so.
esi-corporations.track_members.v1 Allows tracking members' activities in a corporation
esi-fittings.read_fittings.v1 Allows reading information about fittings
esi-fittings.write_fittings.v1 Allows manipulating fittings
esi-fleets.read_fleet.v1 Allows reading information about fleets
esi-fleets.write_fleet.v1 Allows manipulating fleets
esi-industry.read_character_jobs.v1 Allows reading a character's industry jobs
esi-industry.read_character_mining.v1 Allows reading a character's personal mining activity
esi-industry.read_corporation_jobs.v1 Allows reading of a character's corporation's industry jobs, if the character has roles to do so.
esi-industry.read_corporation_mining.v1 Allows reading and observing a corporation's mining activity
esi-killmails.read_corporation_killmails.v1 Allows reading of a corporation's kills and losses
esi-killmails.read_killmails.v1 Allows reading of a character's kills and losses
esi-location.read_location.v1 Allows reading of a character's active ship location
esi-location.read_online.v1 Allows reading a character's online status
esi-location.read_ship_type.v1 Allows reading of a character's active ship class
esi-mail.organize_mail.v1 Allows updating the character's mail labels and unread status. Also allows deleting of the character's mail.
esi-mail.read_mail.v1 Allows reading of the character's inbox and mails.
esi-mail.send_mail.v1 Allows sending of mail on the character's behalf.
esi-markets.read_character_orders.v1 Allows reading a character's market orders
esi-markets.read_corporation_orders.v1 Allows reading of a character's corporation's market orders, if the character has roles to do so.
esi-markets.structure_markets.v1 Allows reading market data from a structure, if the user has market access to that structure
esi-planets.manage_planets.v1 Allows reading a list of a characters planetary colonies, and the details of those colonies
esi-planets.read_customs_offices.v1 Allow reading of corporation owned customs offices
esi-search.search_structures.v1 Allows searching over all structures that a character can see in the structure browser.
esi-skills.read_skillqueue.v1 Allows reading of a character's currently training skill queue.
esi-skills.read_skills.v1 Allows reading of a character's currently known skills.
esi-ui.open_window.v1 Allows open window in game client remotely
esi-ui.write_waypoint.v1 Allows manipulating waypoints in game client remotely
esi-universe.read_structures.v1 Allows querying the location and type of structures that the character has docking access at.
esi-wallet.read_character_wallet.v1 Allows reading of a character's wallet, journal and transaction history.
esi-wallet.read_corporation_wallet.v1 EVE Mobile legacy scope
esi-wallet.read_corporation_wallets.v1 Allows reading of a character's corporation's wallets, journal and transaction history, if the character has roles to do so.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.