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Suomi.fi e-Identification service integration for OmniAuth.


~> 13.1
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~> 2.1.0


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OmniAuth Suomi.fi

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This is an unofficial OmniAuth strategy for authenticating with the Suomi.fi e-Identification service. This is mostly a configuration wrapper around omniauth-saml which uses ruby-saml for SAML 2.0 based authentication implementation with identity providers, such as Suomi.fi.

The gem can be used to hook Ruby/Rails applications to the Suomi.fi e-Identification service. It does not provide any strong authorization features out of the box, as it does not know anything about the application users, but those can be implemented using this gem and the data provided by the Suomi.fi identification responses.

The gem has been developed by Mainio Tech.

The development has been sponsored by the City of Helsinki.

The Population Register Centre (VRK) or the Suomi.fi maintainers are not related to this gem in any way, nor do they provide technical support for it. Please contact the gem maintainers in case you find any issues with it.


Permit and Legal Basis for Using Suomi.fi e-Identification

Suomi.fi requires all its users to apply for a permit to use the e-Identification system. All production users need to have a legal basis for using the Suomi.fi e-Identification.

The legal basis are defined in 5 § of the "Laki hallinnon yhteisistä sähköisen asioinnin tukipalveluista" law. Please read further from Finlex:


You are allowed use the Suomi.fi e-Identification system's testing enviroment for testing and development purposes also when you do not have a legal basis for using it in production.

Please reserve enough time for applying the permit to use the service and plan the introduction of the feature accordingly.

Join Suomi.fi Service Management

Create a Suomi.fi Service Management account at:


After signing up, make sure your user has "edit" rights for the e-Identification service. More about managing user rigts (in Finnish):


Define the Scope of Data

Each service needs to define the scope of data and reason why they need specific information about the identified users in case they need more than the basic details.

The scopes of data are limited (suppea), medium-extensive (keskilaaja) and extensive (laaja). The following list describes which information is provided with each of these scopes, starting from the limited scope:

  • No scope required (included with the "Limited" scope)
    • Katso-ID (:katso_id), only when identifying using a Katso-ID
    • Foreign person identifier (:foreign_person_identifier)
    • eIDAS person identifier (:eidas_person_identifier)
    • eIDAS first names (:eidas_first_names)
    • eIDAS family names (:eidas_family_name)
    • eIDAS date of birth (:eidas_date_of_birth)
  • Limited
    • Electronic identification number (:electronic_identification_number)
    • National identification number (:national_identification_number)
    • Full "common" name (:common_name)
    • Display name (:display_name)
    • First names (:first_names)
    • Last name / family name (:last_name)
  • Medium-extensive
    • Email address (:email)
    • Home municipality number (:home_municipality_number)
    • Home municipality name in Finnish (:home_municipality_name_fi)
    • Home municipality name in Swedish (:home_municipality_name_sv)
    • Address information
      • Permanent domestic address (:permanent_domestic_address_street_fi, :permanent_domestic_address_street_sv, :permanent_domestic_address_postal_code, :permanent_domestic_address_locality_fi, :permanent_domestic_address_locality_sv)
      • Permanent foreign address (:permanent_foreign_address_street, :permanent_foreign_address_locality_state_fi, :permanent_foreign_address_locality_state_sv, :permanent_foreign_address_locality_state_plain, :permanent_foreign_address_state_code)
      • Temporary domestic address (:temporary_domestic_address_street_fi, :temporary_domestic_address_street_sv, :temporary_domestic_address_postal_code, :temporary_domestic_address_locality_fi, :temporary_domestic_address_locality_sv)
    • Information security denial (:information_security_denial)
  • Extensive
    • Finnish citizenship information (:finnish_citizenship)

With the more extensive scopes, also the information in the less extensive scopes are included.

Prepare the Metadata

Create a certificate that you will need for the Suomi.fi metadata. For example, the following command would create a self signed certificate that is valid for 10 years:

$ openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 \
  -keyout private.key -out certificate.crt

For production environments, you will need a certificate signed by a trusted CA and it should not be the same one you use for the test environment.

Then download the sample metadata from Suomi.fi in order to prepare it according to your environment. You will find this from the service management panel of Suomi.fi.

Change at least the following information in the sample metadata:

  • Define the entityID attribute for the EntityDescriptor element. This can be e.g. https://test.city.fi/users/auth/suomifi/metadata
  • Paste the certificate you created above to the corresponding certificate element inside the KeyDescriptor element.
  • Change the SAML URLs as follows:
    • <md:SingleLogoutService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" Location="https://test.city.fi/users/auth/suomifi/slo"/>
    • <md:SingleLogoutService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="https://test.city.fi/users/auth/suomifi/slo"/>
    • <md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="https://test.city.fi/users/auth/suomifi/callback" index="1" isDefault="true"/>
  • Define the scope of data according to your requirements and the instructions in the Suomi.fi service management panel.
  • Fill in all other missing details marked with TODO, such as service name, description, links and logo. Refer to the Suomi.fi's own documentation for more information.

Note that you will need to use the HTTPS URLs in your application's return URLs because otherwise the Suomi.fi endpoints will not work. The testing mode and the Suomi.fi testing endpoints will work correctly also using the unsecured HTTP URLs.

Register the Service and Send the Metadata

Sign in to Suomi.fi Service Management and register the new service there for testing purposes. Submit the metadata through the service registration section.

Suomi.fi maintainers will check the metadata and will approve it for test use in case everything is OK with the data. This will take some time to complete as it needs manual interaction from the Suomi.fi maintainers.

Installation and Configuration

This gem has been only tested and used with Rails applications using Devise, so this installation guide only covers that part. In case you are interested to learn how you can use this with other frameworks, please refer to the omniauth-saml documentation and apply it to your needs (changing the strategy name to :suomifi and strategy class to OmniAuth::Strategies::Suomifi).

To install this gem, add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'omniauth-suomifi'

For configuring the strategy for Devise, add the following in your config/initializers/devise.rb file:

# Define the path where you have stored the certificate files.
cert_path = "/path/to/certificates/you/created"

Devise.setup do |config|
  config.omniauth :suomifi,
    # The mode needs to be either :production or :test depending on which
    # Suomi.fi enviroment you want to hook into. Please note that you will need
    # to complete most of the preparation phases even for the test environment.
    mode: :test, # :production (default, can be omitted) or :test
    # This can be :limited, :medium_extensive or :extensive depending on your
    # needs. Refer to the documentation for more information.
    scope_of_data: :medium_extensive,
    # The service provider entity ID that needs to match the metadata sent to
    # Suomi.fi.
    sp_entity_id: 'https://www.service.fi/users/auth/suomifi/metadata',
    # The certificate and its corresponding private key. The certificate (public
    # part) needs to be provided to Suomi.fi as part of the metadata.
    certificate_file: "#{cert_path}/certificate.crt",
    private_key_file: "#{cert_path}/private.key",
    # Define a salt for hashing the OmniAuth `uid` value from the personal
    # identifiers. The OmniAuth `uid` should always be unique per person, which
    # is why it is generated from the personal identity codes. That code may,
    # however, contain personal data such as date of birth or gender, which is
    # why it is hashed using this salt. For Rails, this defaults to
    # `Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base` and does not need to be
    # specifically configured.
    uid_salt: 'abcdef123'

Identification Responses

The user's data is transmitted from Suomi.fi in the SAML authentication response. This data will be available in the OmniAuth extra hash.

In order to access the response data, you can fetch the OmniAuth extra has and the corresponding user data in the OmniAuth callback handler, e.g. in Rails Devise controllers as follows:

def saml_attributes
  raw_hash = request.env["omniauth.auth"]
  extra_hash = raw_hash[:extra]

  # :saml_attributes contains the user's data.
  # :search_success defines whether the user data was queried correctly.
  extra_hash[:saml_attributes] if extra_hash[:search_success]

Population Information System Search Success State

When identifying the users with the Suomi.fi e-Identification service, the identity provider will do an external query to the population information system about the user to fetch their personal information. In some special occasions, this query can fail in which case the user's personal information is not transmitted in the SAML response.

To determine whether the search was successful or not, you can fetch the :search_success key from the OmniAuth extra hash. This contains a boolean value indicating whether the search was successful or not.

This information is transmitted as a SAML attribute in the authentication response with the name urn:oid:

Personal Information Transmitted From Suomi.fi

The user's personal information transmitted from Suomi.fi can be found under the :saml_attributes key in the OmniAuth extra hash described above.

This attributes hash will contain the keys described in this following sub-sections.

Scopes of data, according to the requested scope when registering the service with Suomi.fi:

  • Limited (suppea)
  • Medium-extensive (keskilaaja)
  • Extensive (laaja)


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: electronicIdentificationNumber
  • Scope of data: Limited

The electronic identification number (sähköinen asiointitunnus, SATU/FINUID) is a unique electronic ID bound to the person. The ID itself does not reveal any personal information of the person holding it unlike the national identifiers can do.

This number is only assigned to real people and cannot be therefore determined e.g. in the Suomi.fi testing environment. Also the non-person identities (such as organizations) may not always hold this information.

More information available at:




  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: nationalIdentificationNumber
  • Scope of data: Limited

The national identification number (henkilötunnus, HETU) which identifies the Finnish citizen.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: kid
  • Scope of data: Not required

User ID bound to the Katso-ID which is used to identify organizations, such as businesses. Will not be set unless the user identifies themselves using the Katso-ID.

More information available at:




  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: foreignpersonIdentifier
  • Scope of data: Not defined

In case the person is identifying themselves using a foreign identity provider, they have a foreign person identifier. This matches the :eidas_person_identifier attribute when set.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3
  • SAML FriendlyName: mail
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

The email address of the person in case it is stored in the Population Register Centre database.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: cn
  • Scope of data: Limited

The name of the person formatted as last name + all first names. In case the identified entity is using a Katso-ID, contains the name of the identified entity, e.g. the organization name.

Example: Suomalainen Sari Säde


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241
  • SAML FriendlyName: displayName
  • Scope of data: Limited

The display name of the person formatted as given name + last name. This is the format of the name that is most commonly used in real life.

Example: Sari Suomalainen


All first names of the person separated with a space character.

Example: Sari Säde


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: givenName
  • Scope of data: Limited

The given name of the person, i.e. the first name of the person that is generally used when referring to the person. Also known as "calling name" ("kutsumanimi" in Finnish).

Example: Sari


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: sn
  • Scope of data: Limited

The last name or the family name of the person.

Example: Suomalainen


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: KotikuntaKuntanumero
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

The number of the home locality (municipality) of the person.

These numbers are defined at:




  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: KotikuntaKuntaS
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

The name of the home locality (municipality) in Finnish.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: KotikuntaKuntaR
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

The name of the home locality (municipality) in Swedish.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: VakinainenKotimainenLahiosoiteS
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

Street address (street name in Finnish) of the person's permanent domestic address.

This contains the street name in Finnish, the street number of the building and the apartment number in case of an apartment building.

Example: Veneentekijäntie 4 A62

Maximum of 100 characters.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: VakinainenKotimainenLahiosoiteR
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

Street address (street name in Swedish) of the person's permanent domestic address.

Same as :permanent_domestic_address_street_fi but the street name is in Swedish.

Example: Båtbyggarvägen 4 A62


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: VakinainenKotimainenLahiosoitePostinumero
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

Postal code (street name in Swedish) of the person's permanent domestic address.

More information available at:



  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: VakinainenKotimainenLahiosoitePostitoimipaikkaS
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

The locality name (in Finnish) of the person's permanent domestic address. This is either city or municipality name.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: VakinainenKotimainenLahiosoitePostitoimipaikkaR
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

The locality name (in Swedish) of the person's permanent domestic address. This is either city or municipality name.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: VakinainenKotimainenLahiosoiteS
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

Street address of the person's permanent foreign address.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: VakinainenUlkomainenLahiosoitePaikkakuntaJaValtioS
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

The postal code, locality name and state name (in Finnish) of the person's permanent foreign address. The state name is separated with a comma from the locality and postal code.

This element has information only when the person's state code is available in the ISO 3166 standard.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: VakinainenUlkomainenLahiosoitePaikkakuntaJaValtioR
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

Same as :permanent_foreign_address_locality_state_fi but the state name is in Swedish.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: VakinainenUlkomainenLahiosoitePaikkakuntaJaValtioSelvakielinen
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

In case the person's permanent foreign address state is not available in the ISO 3166 standard, the address will be set in this attribute in plain text format.

This is only set in case :permanent_foreign_address_locality_state_fi and :permanent_foreign_address_locality_state_sv are empty.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: VakinainenUlkomainenLahiosoiteValtiokoodi
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

The state code (ISO 3166) of the person's permanent foreign address.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: TilapainenKotimainenLahiosoiteS
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

Street address (street name in Finnish) of the person's temporary domestic address.

This contains the street name in Finnish, the street number of the building and the apartment number in case of an apartment building.

Example: Veneentekijäntie 4 A62

Maximum of 100 characters.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: TilapainenKotimainenLahiosoiteR
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

Street address (street name in Swedish) of the person's permanent domestic address.

Same as :temporary_domestic_address_street_fi but the street name is in Swedish.

Example: Båtbyggarvägen 4 A62


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: TilapainenKotimainenLahiosoitePostinumero
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

Postal code (street name in Swedish) of the person's temporary domestic address.

More information available at:



  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: TilapainenKotimainenLahiosoitePostitoimipaikkaS
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

The locality name (in Finnish) of the person's temporary domestic address. This is either city or municipality name.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: TilapainenKotimainenLahiosoitePostitoimipaikkaR
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

The locality name (in Swedish) of the person's temporary domestic address. This is either city or municipality name.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: SuomenKansalaisuusTietokoodi
  • Scope of data: Extensive

Information whether the person is Finnish citizen. The value is 1 in case the person is a Finnish citizen.


  • SAML URI: urn:oid:
  • SAML FriendlyName: Turvakielto
  • Scope of data: Medium-extensive

Information whether the person has set an information security denial for the Population Register Centre for providing their information to third parties. In case this is the case, the value of this attribute will be 1.

In case the information security denial is set, the address information will not be transmitted over to the application with the identity response.


A person identifier according to the eIDAS regulation. The format depends the issuing country and the number may be e.g. attached to the identity card and change in case the card is changed. The identifier is unique per person, so no two persons can hold the same identifier.

Only set for person identifying themselves using an eIDAS identity provider.


The same as :first_names. Duplicated for clarity that this attribute is passed along with the other eIDAS attributes.

Only set for person identifying themselves using an eIDAS identity provider.


The eIDAS family name of the person.

Only set for person identifying themselves using an eIDAS identity provider.


The eIDAS date of birth of the person.

Only set for person identifying themselves using an eIDAS identity provider.
