OmniAuth TeamSnap
This is the official OmniAuth strategy for authenticating to TeamSnap. To use it, you'll need to sign up for an OAuth2 Application Id and Secret on Cogsworth.
Basic Usage
use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :teamsnap, ENV['TEAMSNAP_KEY'], ENV['TEAMSNAP_SECRET']
TeamSnap API v3 lets you set scopes to provide granular access to different types of data:
use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :teamsnap, ENV['TEAMSNAP_KEY'], ENV['TEAMSNAP_SECRET'], scope: "read write"
Authentication Hash
An example auth hash available in request.env['omniauth.auth']
:provider => "teamsnap",
:uid => "123456",
:info => {
:email => "",
:first_name => "John",
:last_name => "Player",
:credentials => {
:token => "a1b2c3d4...", # The OAuth 2.0 access token
:extra = {}
docker build . -t omniauth-teamsnap:test -f Test.dockerfile
docker run -t omniauth-teamsnap:test
docker image rm omniauth-teamsnap:test --force