This gem provides an OmniAuth strategy for authenticating with Cobot.
Add the following to your Gemfile:
gem 'omniauth_cobot'
gem 'omniauth-rails_csrf_protection', '~>1.0.0'
Add the following as an initializer:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :cobot, '<client_id>', '<client_secret>', scope: 'read write'
To authenticate a user against Cobot, send them to /auth/cobot
If authenticating in the context of a Cobot space, e.g. if your app is inside an ifram on Cobot, pass the space's subdomain by sending the user to /auth/cobot/cobot_space_subdomain=<space-sudbomain>
. This ensures users don't have to log in again for their space on Cobot when that space has a custom domain.
After the user completed the OAuth flow, they are redirected back to /auth/cobot/callback
, which should be routed to a controller action.
In the controller action you have access to a variable request.env['omniauth.auth']
that looks like this:
- the id of the user -
-{'token' => '<access token>'}
-{'email' => '<user email>', 'picture' => '<url>'}
-{:raw_info => { "id": "<user id>", "email": "<email>", "picture": "<picture url>", "mac_addresses": ["<mac address>"...], "memberships": [{ "space_link": "<https://www.cobot.me/api/spaces/some-space>", "link": "<https://some-space.cobot.me/api/memberships/some-membership>" } ], "admin_of": [ { "space_link": "<https://www.cobot.me/api/spaces/some-space>", "name": "<admin name>" } ] }