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A Ruby interface to the OnePost API.


 Project Readme


OnePost is social media management infrastructure for the internet. Companies use our API to create, post, and manage their social presence via programmatic communication. You can think of it like a headless Hootsuite built for developers.

Use OnePost to quickly integrate your application with Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

  1. Start by registering for the developer applications that you'll need for your application, such as Twitter and Facebook.
  2. Then, use OnePost to allow your application's users to log in to each service through their web browser, thereby giving your application permission to post on their behalf.
  3. Finally, post to one (or many) social pages owned by the user with a single API call. Use OnePost to track the performance of each post over time.

Learn more at If you're building a web application using OnePost then check out OnepostUI.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'onepost'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install onepost


Obtain Credentials

To use the OnePost Ruby Gem, you must first obtain the required credentials:

  1. Create a user account on OnePost to get your secret_key, which will be a required parameter for all requests.
  2. OnePost uses the RapidAPI infrastructure to manage API requests. You will need to find your X-RapidAPI-Key value from RapidAPI.

Create Developer Applications

Now that you have the required credentials, the next step is to register a developer application with Providers you would like to integrate with, such as Twitter and Facebook. For the purpose of these instructions, we'll be using Twitter. Use the Twitter Developer Portal to register a new Developer Application. Once you have created your developer application, take note of your API key and API secret key.

Using the OnePost Ruby Gem

All interactions with the OnePost API is done using a Onepost::Client instance. You can create your instance by passing your credentials:

client =
  secret_key: "sk-7a0...",
  rapid_api_key: "9d0..."

Once we have a Onepost::Client instance, let's use the instance to create a Provider record for our Twitter Developer Application. Provider records are used to store the API key and API secret key from any social provider, such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.

client.create_provider(body: {
  provider: {
    type: "Providers::Twitter",
    api_key: "edw...",
    api_secret_key: "XVI..."
# => {"id"=>5, "type"=>"Providers::Twitter", "api_key"=>"edw...", "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:04:23.692-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:04:23.692-05:00", "callback_url"=>nil, "api_secret_key"=>"XVI..."}

Now that we have created a Provider record, we can use our client to read the data back.

# => {"id"=>5, "type"=>"Providers::Twitter", "api_key"=>"edw...", "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:04:23.692-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:04:23.692-05:00", "callback_url"=>nil, "api_secret_key"=>"XVI..."}

Or you can fetch all providers registered to the API user.

# => {"current_page"=>1, "per_page"=>30, "total_entries"=>1, "collection"=>[{"id"=>5, "type"=>"Providers::Twitter", "api_key"=>"edw...", "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:04:23.692-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:04:23.692-05:00", "callback_url"=>nil, "api_secret_key"=>"XVI..."}]}

As you can see, the OnePost API will paginate results for endpoints that can return many records. You can pass additional parameters to your API call to navigate your results (per_page has a maximum value of 100):

client.get_providers(query: {page: 2, per_page: 50})
=> {"current_page"=>2, "per_page"=>50, "total_entries"=>2, "collection"=>[]}

Now that we have registered our Twitter Developer Application with OnePost by creating a Provider record, the next step is for us to authorize a Twitter account by creating an Authorization record. This is a step that must be done in the web browser, but you can get instructions by using the create_authorization API endpoint.

client.create_authorization(body: {authorization: {provider_id: 5}})
# => {"instructions"=>["Perform the following steps to complete the authorization process:", "  1. In your web browser, navigate to the provided URL.", "  2. Sign in to Twitter.", "  3. You will be redirected back to the original application."], "url"=>""}

In your web browser, navigate to the url value. You will be prompted to log in to your Twitter account, which will give your Twitter Developer Application access. Once you log in, you will be redirected back to the OnePost website. The URL to redirect the user to after a successful authorization can be customized by the callback_url value on the Provider record.


Once you've authorized your Twitter account, the Authorization record is available on the OnePost API. (Note: In addition to finding the Authorization record via the API, look for the authorization_id, provider_Id, and public_key GET parameter values in the request sent to your callback_url)

# => {"current_page"=>1, "per_page"=>30, "total_entries"=>1, "collection"=>[{"id"=>5, "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:18:36.384-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:18:36.384-05:00", "provider_id"=>5, "type"=>"Authorizations::Twitter", "consumer_key"=>"815...", "consumer_secret"=>"HLh...", "authorized_pages"=>[]}]}

When an Authorization is created in OnePost, OnePost will automatically create AuthorizedPage records for the Authorization that represent social pages the user is allowed to post to. In the case of Twitter, this will be a single AuthorizedPage. Let's use the API to find our AuthorizedPage record:

# => {"current_page"=>1, "per_page"=>30, "total_entries"=>1, "collection"=>[{"id"=>6, "authorization_id"=>5, "name"=>"1bertlol", "service_id"=>"81534513", "type"=>"AuthorizedPages::Twitter", "info"=>{...}]}

Now that we have an AuthorizedPage id, we are ready to create our first post!

client.create_post(body: {
  post: {
    "body": "My first post using the OnePost Ruby Gem",
    "authorized_page_ids": [6],
    "image_url": ""
# => {"id"=>7, "body"=>"My first post using the OnePost Ruby Gem", "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:49:37.633-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:49:37.656-05:00", "state"=>"draft", "publish_at"=>nil, "authorized_page_ids"=>[6], "image_url"=>"", "social_posts"=>[{"id"=>7, "post_id"=>7, "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:49:37.642-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:49:37.642-05:00", "type"=>"SocialPosts::Twitter", "state"=>"unsent", "authorized_page_id"=>6}]}

Posts are created in a "draft" state and can be updated until it is published. Notice that a SocialPost record is automatically created for the AuthorizedPage you provided. As you alter the authorized_page_ids, these SocialPost records will be automatically created or destroyed for each page you are posting to.

(Note: Do you need to upload your image? View the test case in this commit as an example of how to do that.)

Additionally, you can use the publish_at field to specify a time for OnePost to automatically publish the post. Since we didn't schedule this post to be published automatically, let's publish it using the API:

# => {"id"=>7, "body"=>"My first post using the OnePost Ruby Gem", "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:49:37.633-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:56:23.977-05:00", "state"=>"publishing", "publish_at"=>nil, "authorized_page_ids"=>[6], "image_url"=>"", "social_posts"=>[{"id"=>7, "post_id"=>7, "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:49:37.642-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:49:37.642-05:00", "type"=>"SocialPosts::Twitter", "state"=>"unsent", "authorized_page_id"=>6}]}

A few moments later, and you will see your published Tweet!


Once published, OnePost will track the performance of your SocialPost over time. Simply get the SocialPost record to see the most up-to-date data available.

# => {"id"=>7, "post_id"=>7, "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:49:37.642-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T10:56:24.019-05:00", "type"=>"SocialPosts::Twitter", "state"=>"sent", "authorized_page_id"=>6, "service_data"=>{"id"=>1362793165137313792, "geo"=>nil, "lang"=>"en", "text"=>"My first post using the OnePost Ruby Gem", "user"=>{"id"=>81534513, "url"=>"", "lang"=>nil, "name"=>"Adam Darrah", "id_str"=>"81534513", "entities"=>{"url"=>{"urls"=>[{"url"=>"", "indices"=>[0, 23], "display_url"=>"", "expanded_url"=>""}]}, "description"=>{"urls"=>[]}}, "location"=>"Keystone, Indiana", "verified"=>false, "following"=>false, "protected"=>false, "time_zone"=>nil, "created_at"=>"Sun Oct 11 06:36:24 +0000 2009", "utc_offset"=>nil, "description"=>"I like futurama, websites, and code. Founder of Dropkiq 🥊", "geo_enabled"=>false, "screen_name"=>"1bertlol", "listed_count"=>4, "friends_count"=>266, "is_translator"=>false, "notifications"=>false, "statuses_count"=>1693, "default_profile"=>false, "followers_count"=>175, "translator_type"=>"none", "favourites_count"=>771, "profile_image_url"=>"", "profile_link_color"=>"0084B4", "profile_text_color"=>"333333", "follow_request_sent"=>false, "contributors_enabled"=>false, "has_extended_profile"=>false, "default_profile_image"=>false, "is_translation_enabled"=>false, "profile_background_tile"=>true, "profile_image_url_https"=>"", "profile_background_color"=>"C0DEED", "profile_sidebar_fill_color"=>"DDEEF6", "profile_background_image_url"=>"", "profile_sidebar_border_color"=>"000000", "profile_use_background_image"=>true, "profile_background_image_url_https"=>""}, "place"=>nil, "id_str"=>"1362793165137313792", "source"=>"<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">GetOnepost</a>", "entities"=>{"urls"=>[{"url"=>"", "indices"=>[41, 64], "display_url"=>"…", "expanded_url"=>""}], "media"=>[{"id"=>1362793163627384833, "url"=>"", "type"=>"photo", "sizes"=>{"large"=>{"h"=>438, "w"=>780, "resize"=>"fit"}, "small"=>{"h"=>382, "w"=>680, "resize"=>"fit"}, "thumb"=>{"h"=>150, "w"=>150, "resize"=>"crop"}, "medium"=>{"h"=>438, "w"=>780, "resize"=>"fit"}}, "id_str"=>"1362793163627384833", "indices"=>[65, 88], "media_url"=>"", "display_url"=>"", "expanded_url"=>"", "media_url_https"=>""}], "symbols"=>[], "hashtags"=>[], "user_mentions"=>[]}, "favorited"=>false, "retweeted"=>false, "truncated"=>false, "created_at"=>"Fri Feb 19 15:56:24 +0000 2021", "coordinates"=>nil, "contributors"=>nil, "retweet_count"=>0, "favorite_count"=>1, "is_quote_status"=>false, "extended_entities"=>{"media"=>[{"id"=>1362793163627384833, "url"=>"", "type"=>"photo", "sizes"=>{"large"=>{"h"=>438, "w"=>780, "resize"=>"fit"}, "small"=>{"h"=>382, "w"=>680, "resize"=>"fit"}, "thumb"=>{"h"=>150, "w"=>150, "resize"=>"crop"}, "medium"=>{"h"=>438, "w"=>780, "resize"=>"fit"}}, "id_str"=>"1362793163627384833", "indices"=>[65, 88], "media_url"=>"", "display_url"=>"", "expanded_url"=>"", "media_url_https"=>""}]}, "possibly_sensitive"=>false, "in_reply_to_user_id"=>nil, "in_reply_to_status_id"=>nil, "in_reply_to_screen_name"=>nil, "in_reply_to_user_id_str"=>nil, "in_reply_to_status_id_str"=>nil, "possibly_sensitive_appealable"=>false}, "service_data_updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T11:00:18.465-05:00"}


You may have noticed while reading over the documentation that several key records are created for you automatically, such as AuthorizedPage records. This can be problematic in the event that you go to look for your records and they haven't been created yet.

Luckily, OnePost solves this need by providing a Webhook system. This system allows you to specify an HTTP endpoint in your application for OnePost to send POST requests to. When key events happen in the OnePost system, the event data will be sent to your endpoint where your application can do the necessary processing without polling for updates.

To test this system, we can get a new test endpoint quickly using Navigating to this page will give you a "unique URL" that you can use as your test endpoint. Let's use the Gem to register this endpoint:

  webhook: {
    endpoint_url: ""
# => {"id"=>4, "endpoint_url"=>"", "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T11:45:15.652-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T11:45:15.652-05:00"}

Now that we have our endpoint, let's create a test event to make sure it's working.

# => {"id"=>16, "name"=>"events.test", "data"=>{"object"=>{"ping"=>"pong"}}, "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T11:48:26.546-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T11:48:26.546-05:00", "webhook_attempts"=>[{"id"=>11, "state"=>"new", "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T11:48:26.561-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T11:48:26.561-05:00", "number_of_attempted_requests"=>0, "webhook"=>{"id"=>4, "endpoint_url"=>"", "created_at"=>"2021-02-19T11:45:15.652-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2021-02-19T11:45:15.652-05:00"}}]}

You should now see your test event appear in


OnePost will continue to attempt to send the request to notify your application of events using an exponential backoff algorithm in the case we receive a non-200 response.

At the time of writing, OnePost has just a handful of events (check back later for more):

Name Description
authorized_page.authorized Created automatically when a new AuthorizedPage is "touched" (after a user signs in to the provider to allow access). Then, created automatically daily to refresh information about the AuthorizedPage (such as name, profile image, etc).
events.test Created manually by the API user to test Webhook endpoints are configured correctly
post.published Created automatically when a Post has successfully posted to all AuthorizedPages (i.e. All SocialPosts have a state of "sent")
social_post.retrying Created automatically if the SocialPost fails to publish for any reason. Onepost will continue to attempt to publish the SocialPost after a failure. Listen for the post.published or social_post.updated events to indicate an eventual success.
social_post.updated Created automatically for each SocialPost after a Post has been published. Listen for this event if you want to track performance (such as number of likes, retweets, etc).


For full documentation, please use the OnePost RapidAPI Page as the ultimate source of truth. Additionally, the tests included in this gem are a great way to see what is possible using the Gem:

Resource Test File
Providers Provider Tests
Authorizations Authorization Tests
Authorized Pages Authorized Page Tests
Posts Post Tests
Social Posts Social Post Tests
Webhooks Webhook Tests
Events Event Tests


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Onepost project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.