Opay is a payment solution for Rails apps.
Currently supported engines:
- payu
- paypal express payment
Add this to your Gemfile:
gem 'opay'
and run bundle install
Next, run:
# add an initializer to config/initializers with all of the configuration options
$ rails g opay:install
# This will add the necessary migrations to your app's db/migrate directory
rake opay:install:migrations
# This will run any pending migrations
rake db:migrate
then add the following to your routes.rb file:
# config/routes.rb
get 'success' => 'controller#success', as: :success_payment
get 'cancel' => 'controller#cancel', as: :cancel_payment
mount Opay::Engine => '/opay'
declare which of your models recive payments
class ModelName < ActiveRecord::Base
include Opay::Payable
after_payment do
# optional after payment callback
def amount
create payment form
= opay_form_for @model_name, provider: :payu do |f|
= f.payment_info first_name: 'Jan', last_name: 'Kowalski', email: 'kowalski@gmail.com', desc: 'Payment description'
= f.submit 'pay with payu'
set up online url in payu.pl to: /opay/payu/online
= opay_form_for @model_name, provider: :paypal do |f|
= f.payment_info desc: 'Test payment', client_ip: ''
= f.paypal_submit_tag