open-remote - a simple git remote opening tool.
tested and works well for:
- github
- bitbucket
- heroku
if there are other git hosting websites that you would like to use this with, either let me know or make a pull request with the augmentation for that host.
[sudo] gem install open-remote
making a git alias for 'git open' in your .gitconfig
open-remote --alias
removing the alias, if you don't want it anymore:
open-remote --unalias
git open
opens the first listed git remote. to open a specific remote, specify some of the remote or host name. for example:
git open bit
git open bucket
git open bitbucket
will all open the current repository's bitbucket remote in the browser. additionally, you can use the remote name to specify which URL to open:
git open origin
the original idea for this came from my friend charlie who initially provided me with a simple git alias that would do the same, but it only worked for repos that were https and was not platform independent. I was also inspired by the git-up ruby gem in how seamlessly it integrated with git. Here is the original git alias (made to work on osx), which charlie wrote (plop it in your .gitconfig, if you don't want to install a ruby gem to open most of your git remotes):
open-remote = "!open $(git remote -v $@ | grep -o 'http\\S*' | head -1); :"
bundle || gem install bundler && bundle
rake # running open-remote's tests
add support for ssb clients: