As of 2019 I haven't used Oracle or this library for many years. I would like to turn it over to someone who is. If you are interested please contact me, and we can discuss transferring the repository.
A library for generating an ActiveRecord model from an existing Oracle table. This will install an "omg" executable that you can use from the command line.
Using the command line tool:
omg -d your_database -t locations -u some_user -p some_password
The above command results in a file called "location.rb". This is an ActiveRecord model declaration, with all validations, primary keys, table name and belongs_to relationships defined.
If your LOCATIONS table looks like this:
create table locations(
location_id number(4,0) primary key,
street_address varchar2(40),
postal_code varchar2(12),
city varchar2(30) not null
state_province varchar2(25),
country_id CHAR(2),
constraint "LOC_C_ID_FK" FOREIGN KEY (country_id)
references COUNTRIES (country_id)
The omg library will generate this:
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name :locations
set_primary_key :location_id
# Table relationships
belongs_to :countries
# Validations
validates :location_id, :presence => true, :numericality => {
:less_than_or_equal_to => 9999,
:greater_than_or_equal_to => -9999,
:only_integer => true
validates :street_address, :length => {:maximum => 40}
validates :postal_code, :length => {:maximum => 12}
validates :city, :length => {:maximum => 30}, :presence => true
validates :state_province, :length => {:maximum => 25}
validates :country_id, :length => {:maximum => 2}
It will also generate a corresponding test file using test-unit 2 by default. For the above example you will see some tests like this:
class TC_Location < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@location =
test 'table name is locations' do
assert_equal('locations', Location.table_name)
test 'primary key is location_id' do
assert_equal('location_id', Location.primary_key)
test 'location_id basic functionality' do
assert_respond_to(@location, :location_id)
assert_nothing_raised{ @location.location_id }
assert_kind_of(Numeric, @location.location_id)
test 'location_id must be a number' do
@location.location_id = 'test_string'
assert_true(@location.errors[:location_id].include?('is not a number'))
test 'location_id cannot exceed the value 9999' do
@location.location_id = 10000
assert_true(@location.errors[:location_id].include?('must be less than or equal to 9999'))
# ... and so on.
- ruby-oci8
- getopt
Optional Libraries
If you want to be able to avoid specifying a username and password on the
command line then you will need the dbi-dbrc
If you want your models to support multiple primary keys, then you will
need to install the composite_primary_keys
If you want date format validations, then you will need to install the
What this library doesn't do
I do not attempt to set has_many
or has_one
relationships. There's no good
way to determine that relationship (one or many?). Besides, in practice I
find that most people set custom has_xxx relationships that go over and
above what's set in the Oracle database anyway for purposes of their
I also do not go out of my way to get the model name correct with regards to singular vs plural. I do a simple guess that covers most cases, but complex cases will break it. It's much easier for you to rename a class or file name than it is for me to get this 100% correct.
As of 0.3.1 there's also the --class
option that let's you explicitly
set it if you like.
Author's Comments
I chose not to patch the legacy_data
library because I have no interest in
supporting other vendors other than Oracle with this library. By focusing only
on Oracle I could take advantage of ruby-oci8 features. In addition, I have no
interest in making this a Rails plugin, and I needed the support of multiple
primary keys.
Future Plans (originally)
- Add support for views.
- Add automatic test suite generation for rspec.
- Explicitly set :foreign_key if using CPK in belongs_to relationships.
- The output could use a little formatting love.
Thanks go to Daniel Luna for his --class patch.
Known Issues
None known. If you find any issues, please report them on the github project page at
This package is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
(C) 2010-2021 Daniel J. Berger All Rights Reserved
Daniel J. Berger