Orchard API Client
This api client integrates into appsNmobiles orchard payment solution
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
$ bundle add orchard-api-client-anm
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:
$ gem install orchard-api-client-anm
#load the gem class
require 'orchard'
#Create a client object with the secret token, client token, and the url
params = {
secret_token: ENV['SECRET_TOKEN'],
client_token: ENV['CLIENT_TOKEN'],
client = Orchard::ApiClient.new(params)
#Use client object for various api functions
#optional configuration configurations
request_configurations = {
timeout: 30
#Send payment request
randval_one = rand(999).to_s.center(3, rand(9).to_s)
strtm = Time.new.strftime("%d%H%M%L")
processing_id = strtm + randval_one
trans_type = allowed_parameters['CTM(client to merchant)' / 'MTC(merchant to client)']
nw = allowed_parameters['MTN','VOD','AIR']
payment_request_payload = {
customer_number: '0550000000',
reference: 'AppsNmobile Pay',
amount: '1',
exttrid: processing_id,
nw: 'MTN',
trans_type: 'CTM',
callback_url: '/',
ts: Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
client_id: ENV['SERVICE_ID'],
voucher_code: ''
response = client.send_payment_request(payment_request_payload, request_configurations)
#Send Sms
sms_payload = {
sender_id: 'ANM',
recipient_number: '0550000000',
msg_body: 'Sample text message',
trans_type: 'SMS',
service_id: ENV['SERVICE_ID']
response = client.send_sms(sms_payload, request_configurations)