Simple way to get ordinal numbers for your collections.
Without ordinalizatron:
<% User.paginate(page: 5).each_with_index do |user,index| %>
<% ordinal = get_the_offset_part_helper + 1 + index %>
<%= "#{ordinal}. #{user.name} %>
<% end %>
With ordinalizatron:
<% User.paginate(page: 5).each_with_ordinal_number do |user,ordinal_number| %>
<%= "#{ordinal_number}. #{user.name} %>
<% end %>
Custom offset (still better than adding 1 to index and then offset):
<% User.page(5).each_with_ordinal_number(offset: get_the_offset_part_helper) do |user,ordinal_number| %>
<%= "#{ordinal_number}. #{user.name} %>
<% end %>
Gives you easy ordinal numbers
Integrates with will_paginate
Doesn't integrate with Kaminari, but you can still use the custom offset method