An ostiarius, a Latin word sometimes anglicized as ostiary but often literally translated as porter or doorman, originally was a servant or guard posted at the entrance of a building. See also gatekeeper.
This gem will help you enforce 'policies' when viewing controllers/actions. This is done by requiring certain roles for controllers, where you can optionally include or exclude certain actions.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'ostiary'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install ostiary
Primary setup
In your base Controller class do the following for Rails:
# This class creates a class accessor called :ostiary on each (inherited) controller.
# With each controller created, it will stack the policies you add
include Ostiary::ControllerHelper
before_filter :ensure_authorized!
# Because each ostiary is unique for a controller, you only have to supply the current action.
# With this, it can check if there are certain policies that will be broken.
def ensure_authorized!
self.class.ostiary.authorize!(action) do |name|
# Your authorization method using name.
# e.g. `current_user.has_right?(name)`
rescue Ostiary::PolicyBroken => error
# We re-raise the Error as a RoutingError in Rails
# You can also do `return head :forbidden` if that's more in line with your needs.
raise ActionController::RoutingError.new(error.message)
Securing controllers
In each controller you wish to secure, you can call ostiary_policy
, just like before_filter
& after_filter
of Rails.
# Require the :list role on the entire controller
ostiary_policy :list
# Require the :view role only on the index & show actions
ostiary_policy :view, only: [:index, :show]
# Require the :edit role except on the index & show actions
ostiary_policy :edit, except: [:index, :show]
These policies will be added to the ostiary instance created for each Controller Class. It will also include each policy inherited from parent classes.
Checking for a right
You can also ask if a user is authorized to access to a certain path (url).
in your Controller:
def authorized?(path)
# recognize_path is a Rails Routing helper that will return a hash with the controller
# and action of the path you supplied. We'll have to transform that String of the
# controller into an actual Class.
return false unless route = Rails.application.routes.recognize_path(path)
requested_controller = "#{route[:controller]}_controller".camelize.constantize
requested_controller.ostiary.authorized?(route[:action]) do |role|
# Your authorization method using name.
ostiary is Copyright 2017 nedap and released under the MIT license which you should find included in the LICENSE.txt file.