A Ruby wrapper for OpenStreetMap Overpass API. Supports both QL and XML.
Note: Version 0.2 introduces breaking changes. Check the file CHANGELOG.md.
gem install overpass-api-ruby
or add gem 'overpass-api-ruby'
to your Gemfile
Using XML:
require 'overpass_api_ruby'
options={:bbox => {:s => -34.705448, :n => -34.526562,
:w => -58.531471, :e => -58.335159},
:timeout => 900,
:element_limit => 1073741824}
overpass = OverpassAPI::XML.new(options)
query = "<union><query type='relation'><has-kv k='route' v='subway'/></query>" <<
"</union><union><item/><recurse type='down'/></union>"
response = overpass.query(query)
Using QL:
require 'overpass_api_ruby'
options={:bbox => {:s => -34.705448, :n => -34.526562,
:w => -58.531471, :e => -58.335159},
:timeout => 900,
:maxsize => 1073741824}
overpass = OverpassAPI::QL.new(options)
query = "rel['route'='subway'];(._;>;);out body;"
response = overpass.query(query)
Common options on instantiation
bbox Hash. Global bounding box.
endpoint String.
Defaults to http://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter
timeout Integer.
Specific options on instantiation
maxsize Integer.
element_limit Integer.
See Overpass API
Public methods
Both QL
and XML
classes have the same public methods:
query (<String query>) Performs the query passed using the global values set on instantiation.
raw_query (<String query>) The whole query must be passed.
buid_query (<String query>) Returns a String containing the whole query.
bounding_box (s,n,w,e) Defines the global bounding box.
Run rake spec